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Individuals naming information is stored on the People list in ShareVision. To update an individuals name you will need to:

  1. Navigate to the people list in the site administration section of your site

  2. Using the column filter you can filter the displayed items to your individuals current name

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  3. Open the item and select the edit option

  4. Update the individuals First, Last and Full Names and Save the item


All system list will be referring back to the Full Name field in the individuals people list items. Please ensure to update the FULL NAME field for all linked reports and list linked to the individual.

IYou can easily rename an Individual using the Contact Manager.

  1. In the Quick Start menu, select the Contact Manager:

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  2. Enter the first name or last name of the Individual you would like to rename in the search field:

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  3. Select Search.

  4. The list of Individuals matching what was entered in the search will be listed. Select the Individual that needs to be renamed:

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  5. The Individual’s information will be displayed. Select the edit button next to their name:

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  6. Change the Individual’s name.

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  7. Select Save.

  8. The Individual’s name will be updated on all lists and forms in ShareVision.
