List/Library Settings - Communications

List/Library Settings - Communications

Getting Here

  1. Open any list or library from the All Site Content page.
  2. Open the List Toolbar Settings Menu or the Document Library Toolbar Settings Menu.
  3. Select List Settings (or Document Library Settings).

Applies To Version(s): 3.5 & 3.7

 RSS Settings

Enable/disable RSS feed capability for a list/library

RSS feeds for lists and libraries are enabled by default. Select No under Allow RSS feeds for this list to disable them. To configure the format of the feed, select the columns to include and set the feed's item and time interval limit. To subscribe to RSS for a list or library, copy and paste its URL into the RSS reader of your choice.

Applies To Version(s): 3

 Incoming e-mail settings (Document Library Settings only)

To enable a document library to receive email: assign an email address to a document library; manage the library's email settings, including its security; and choose to save or discard email attachments.

RSS settings

Enable/disable RSS feed capability for a list/library

RSS feeds for lists and libraries are enabled by default. Select No under Allow RSS feeds for this list to disable them. To configure the format of the feed, select the columns to include and set the feed's item and time interval limit. To subscribe to RSS for a list or library, copy and paste its URL into the RSS reader of your choice.

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