Contact Us

Contact Us

Applies To Version(s): 3, 3.5 & 3.7


Got a question? Thinking about upgrading to Sharevision Custom or adding Product Expert hours?  Need some further assistance troubleshooting?  Contact us by phone, email, or using our online support form.  You can also click on the Feedback link in the top right corner of every ShareVision page to send along your concerns.

The current support form offers users a search bar which returns help pages related to your issue, just describe what you are trying to do or have trouble with and browse the pages returned for your answer or solution. If you can't find your answer through our help pages or have an urgent issue such as 'site down' navigate to the three sections below and choose a category suited to your request.

Site Down

If you cannot access your site choose this option when contacting us via the support form. 

Something Not Working?

If you notice a feature or some functionality of your site is not working as it should, choose this option.


Make a request for guidance using this option for assistance in using ShareVision.

The more information provided at this stage the quicker your request will be dealt with. Detailed information allows for thorough and swift troubleshooting from the support team.

How - To

 Filling in the support form

Alternative Email - If you would like another user to be kept abreast of the issue or if they need to contribute in any way to the request, add their email address to this field so they also receive updates

Summary - Give your request a title that best reflects the issue

A descriptive and unique title allows for easy filtering when looking back at previous tasks where necessary, to get quick access to background on the work carried out on your site

Description - As already advised, a detailed description allows the support team to troubleshoot thoroughly and therefore resolve your issue in a timely manner, reducing the need to request more information from you

Its always helpful for support to know:

  • Which internet browser was used and which version, see How to Check Your Version of Internet Explorer
  • Can admin replicate the issue
  • Can other users replicate the issue
  • If the issue has been replicated on another PC
  • When the issue was first noticed

Affected URL - If applicable paste a link to the page affected on your site

Click Path - Show us how you get to where the issue is within the site e.g. Site Actions > All Site Content > Individual Goal List

Attachment - If you are able to attach screenshots of what you are seeing this can be very useful

Screenshots of error messages are very valuable, especially if there is trouble in replicating the issue


Monday to Friday - 6 AM – 5 PM Pacific time


ShareVision Support 
1-866-971-4325 x 1 (toll-free)
(Vancouver local)
Support Form


1.866.971.4325 x 2  (toll-free)
