How to remove a user from a group
How to remove a user from a group
This is a guide for how to remove a user from a group they no longer need to be in
Step-by-step guide for removing a user from a group
Option 1
1) As an SV Admin select 'Site Actions' -> 'Site Settings'
2) Select People and groups
3) Select the group the user is in
4) Select the user you want to remove and click 'Actions' → Remove User from Group
5) Click okay on the confirmation popup to remove the user from the Group
While on the People and Groups page with an individual selected DO NOT select Delete Item
Option 2
1) As an SV Admin select 'Site Actions' -> 'Site Settings'
2) Select View & Edit Groups By User
3) Select the user you would like to remove from a group
4) Select the groups you no longer want the user to be a part of and hit remove
5) User will no longer be in the selected groups