List Page Part


This knowledge base article provides you with everything you need to know about List Page Parts on your ShareVision site. A List Page Part is used to display form submissions and will provide users with access to adding new submissions by filling in forms, viewing forms that have already been filled in, editing the forms and copying forms which allows users to copy an existing form instead of filling in a new blank form.



Before setting up portals on your ShareVision site, you will need to

  • Login with ShareVision Administrator permissions 

  • In Site Administration, in Site Content, have a Form that you would like to add to a Page.

  • In Portal Settings, have added a Page Part to a Page on a Portal

  • Have completed the set up and configuration of the Page Part Name, Accessible on and Display Name (Review Page Parts knowledge base article for more information.)

  • Have developed a plan for the information you will need to be made available to your ShareVision users (i.e. Consider what pages you will need for the portals on your site, what type of information will be included on each page and who should have access to each page) 


Page Part Type

Select List as the Type of Page Part.

The List PageParts will have a list symbol beside them in Portal Settings for easy recognition.


Data Source


Select one of the available forms in the Form drop down to link this Page Part to the selected form.

Once a form is selected and the Page Part settings are Saved, a link to Edit Form for the form you selected will be displayed. This link allows you to get to the form settings for the form quickly.

When you select it, a new tab opens and the form will be displayed in edit mode so that you can change the form layout, if needed. 

Form Version

If there are Form Versions of the form, you can select which Form Version you would like linked to this Page Part. If there are no Form Versions, the Form Version field will not appear as an option.



Listing Portal Form Filters

If the Page Part is being added to a Page on a listing portal like Clients or Services, the Listing Portal Form Filters section will appear in the Page Part settings. To learn more about this section, select one of the links below:

  1. Clients Portal: Page Parts Listing Portal Form Filters

  2. Services Portal: Page Parts Listing Portal Form Filters

For Standard Portals, this section will not be displayed.


Page Part Fields

In the Fields section, choose which fields from the list you want to display on your List Page Part.

To add a Field click the “Add Field” button and use the drop down to select from the available options. The Field drop down contains all Fields that are on the Form used in the Data Source section.

The Fields section allows for certain customizations - Display Title checkbox, Alternative Title, Totals Display, Text Align , Limit Char (Characters), and Field Width.

  • Display Title: When this box is left unchecked the Titles (alternative or default) will not be displayed on the Page Part, only the data will be shown.

    If the box is checked the Title will be displayed on the PagePart.

  • Alternative Title: If you want to change the title that is displayed to something other than the Field Title you can enter an Alternative Title in the box that will be shown in place of the Field name.

  • Totals Display: You have the option to choose Count. When Count is selected, a count of the items displayed in the list Page Part will appear at the top and the bottom of the column that you have selected to have the Count displayed for.

  • Text Align: Text in the Page Part can be aligned Left, Centre, or Right.

    Left is the default alignment.

  • Limit Char (Characters): When the checkbox is available and selected, Limit Char reduces the amount of text shown on the grid. Limiting the text shown on the grid can make it easier to find entries without having to scroll past large amount of text. The option will only appear for multiple lines of text columns.

    When limit char is enabled, clicking the ellipsis(...) at the bottom will bring up the entire entry on a popup so it can be read without having to click into the form.


  • Field Width (% ): Determines how much room each field column takes up on the Page Part. The default is set to autofit, where the software decides best fit.

    A column with more information may need more room, you can accommodate this in field width. Total width of all field columns combined must equal 100%. If the field width surpasses 100%, a system warning message will appear.


  • Select 'x' button to remove a field from the fields displayed on the page part.

  • Select the button next to the remove 'x' button to reorder the fields displayed on the page part.



Page Part Filters

In the Page Part Filters field, you can add extra filters that you would like used for your List Page Part. These filters ensure that only the information you want to be viewed is shown. You can use as many or a few as you'd like. When using a date field in the Page Part Filters, the date format will match the format of the date field in List Settings.

For the List PagePart, you can use the Page Part Filters to filter the items listed in the Page Part on the Page. For example, if you want only entries from the current year to display, you can do this by applying a filter:




Properties allows you to choose how the Page Part is displayed on the Page. Along with the Item Per Page option of how many Announcements you wish to display per page, there is also Allow Responses, Group Field, Sort Field and Second Sort Field.

Allow Responses

Allow Responses is where you can choose Allow Comments and Allow Mark as Read.

Allow Comments gives users the ability to leave comments on the entries within the Page Part by clicking the Comment Button.

Clicking the Comments Button will cause a pop up to appear that displays all comments left by users. Users can edit and delete their own comments, Site Administrators have the ability to delete anybody's comment.

When the Allow Mark as Read checkbox is selected in Page Part settings, a Mark as Read Button will appear on the entries within the Page Part.

Clicking the Mark as Read Button will cause the button to be greyed out for the user, a checkmark will show beside the entry for the user and their name appear under Read By with the Date and Time it was marked as read. The Mark as Read feature can be useful when wanting to ensure your staff are reading important updates.

In the Utilities section of Site Administration, you can View Comments / Marked as Read for all forms on your site. This tool will allow you to search by date range, user name and form.

Marked as Read

If a form has marked as read enabled in List Page Part settings, the form is automatically marked as read for the user that adds a new form and saves it.

When a user edits a form and saves it, the mark as read by other users is automatically removed - even for the user that originally added the form. For the user that edited the form, the form is automatically marked as read.

Items Per Page

Items Per Page is where the the number of items you’d like displayed on one page in the Page Part can be set. Options range from 1-500, simply select the number that is most suitable from the drop down and save.

Group Field

  • Group Field determines how data is grouped within the Page Part. An example with Lists is having the entries grouped by Client.

    • The Group Direction allows you to set if the Groups will be displayed or Ascending or Descending order.

    • The Group Field also allows you to display the grouping either Collapsed or Expanded. If collapsed, the user will need to expand each section to read the entries in the section.

Sort Field  

  • Sort Field sets the sort order for the form entries on the front end based on a column (field) in the list. A popular Sort Field is Created (date created) to sort Descending which will display newest data at the top of the PagePart. Setting the Sort Field to Ascending will display the oldest data at the top of the PagePart.  

Second Sort Field

  • Second Sort Field allows you to set a second sort order based on a field in the form. The sort order can be set to Ascending or Descending.



Page Part Buttons

There are four buttons you can configure on the List Page Part. The settings for buttons apply to all entries that will be displayed in the Page Part.  The four buttons include:

  • New

  • Edit

  • Delete

  • Disable “Display”

Display “New” Button

There are 3 options for displaying the New button:

  • Never: No button to add a new entry is displayed on the page part.

  • Only if no items: The button to add a new entry will only appear when there are no form entries displayed on the page part.

  • Always: The button to add a entry is always displayed on the page part. 

In the field under the drop down list for displaying the "New" button, a label can be given to the New Button (ex: New Note). If no label is entered, only the New Button will appear.

Once saved, the label will appear with the New button on the Page Part.

You can set the Position of the New Button. It can be Above (at the top of the Page Part), Below (at the bottom of the Page Part), or both Above and Below (at the top and the bottom of the Page Part).

The Display New Button can be made to only be visible for certain roles by adding the permitted roles to the Allow for Selected Roles(s) section when setting up the Page Part.

Display "Edit" Button

The Display "Edit" Button gives you the option to allow editing of the form entries from the List Page Part.

There are four options to Display Edit Buttons

  • Do Not Allow Editing: No one can edit the items in the list.

  • Edit From Grid: To edit an item, the edit option in the grid must be selected. The Edit button on the display form will not be displayed.

  • Edit From Display Form: To edit an item, the user will need to view the form and then select the Edit button on the display form. The edit option will not be displayed in the grid.

  • Edit From Both: Users can edit the form by selecting the Edit option on the grid or the Edit button on the display form.

You can limit permission to this feature by selecting which groups can edit the form in the Allow for Selected Groups box in the PagePart settings.

Delete Button

Roles with access to the delete button will be able to delete any form entry displayed on the Page Part.

Select which Roles have access to the Delete button by adding the Role to the Allow for Selected Roles box. Site Administrators are automatically given Delete permissions and cannot be removed, regardless of if they are listed in the Allow for Selected Roles Box.

Disable “Display” Form

When the Disable "Display" Form checkbox is checked, users will not be able to select the Form Entry to view the Entry on the Display Form.

Page Part Permissions

Page part permissions is where you can choose which Roles have access to this page part. By default, all Roles that have Permissions to the Page will be automatically granted access to the page part.

To remove access to a role, select the role name in the Have Access box and then select the single arrow above the list to move the Role to the Do Not Have Access. 

To provide access to a role, click on the role name in the Do Not Have Access box and then select the single arrow button above the list to move the Role to Have Access.




This feature allows you to provide export buttons so users can export data.

How To Enable The Export Feature On List Page Parts

To enable the export feature, click the "Export" button. This will open a drop-down menu that will allow you to select the file type you would like to export.

List Page Part - Export feature expanded:

  1. Export to Excel

  2. Export to CSV

  3. Export to PDF - If you want to print the list data, we recommend using this option.

  1. Expand the Export section in the Page Part.

  1. Choose the type of export. Note: You can select more than one.

  2. To make the export buttons only available to some users, select the role(s) for the users that will have access to the buttons. If no roles are selected, the buttons will be available for all users.

  1. If this is the first time you are setting up this page part, press “Create Page Part”. If you are editing an existing Page Part, press "Save Page Part”.

How It Looks

On the Page Part where the exporting was enabled, the export buttons will now be displayed. Below is an example of the three buttons that are enabled on the Incident Reports Page Part.

How It Works

  1. To export data, select the button for the format you would like to export to.

  1. The download window will display at the top right and the file will be saved to your computer.

  2. Below is a picture of how the document will look, depending on the export type you selected.





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