Details Page Part


This knowledge base article provides you with everything you need to know about a Details Page Part on your ShareVision site. The Details Page Part is a simple tool for displaying the most recent completed form on a Page. Setting up a Details Page Part can be an effective means to display: the newest entry to a journal, a brief fact sheet, or other pertinent information that you want the users to view without having to click to view the form.



Before setting up portals on your ShareVision site, you will need to

  • Login with Site Administrator permissions 

  • In Site Administration, in the Site Content section, have a Form created that you would like to display on a Page.

  • In Portal Settings, have added a Page Part to a Page on a Portal

  • Have completed the set up and configuration of the Page Part Name, Accessible on and Display Name (Review Pages Parts more information.)

  • Have developed a plan for the information will need to be made available to your ShareVision users (i.e. Consider what pages you will need for the portals on your site, what type of information will be included on each page and who should have access to each page)


Page Part Type

Select Details as the Type of Page Part.

The Details Page Parts will have a symbol beside them in Portal Settings for easy recognition.


Data Source

  1. Select one of the forms in the Form drop down to link this Page Part to the applicable form.


  2. Some forms have more than one version, when that is the case, the form version must be selected.

For Page Parts that came with your ShareVision site when it was first set up, the background colour of the fields will be light grey and you will not be able to change the options. If you would like to make changes to the Page Part, you can delete the Page Part and add a new one.

Once a form is selected and the Page Part settings are Saved, a link to Edit Form for the form you selected will be displayed. This link allows you to get to the form settings for the form quickly.

When you select it, a new tab opens and the form will be displayed in edit mode so that you can change the form layout, if needed. 


Listing Portal Form Filters

If the Page Part is being added to a Page on a listing portal like Clients or Services, the Listing Portal Form Filters section will appear in the Page Part settings. To learn more about this section, select one of the links below:

  • Clients Portal: Page Parts Listing Portal Form Filters

  • Services Portal: Page Parts Listing Portal Form Filters

For Standard Portals, this section will not be displayed.


Page Part Fields

In the Fields section, choose which fields from the list you want to display on your Details Page Part.

To add a Field click the “Add Field” button and use the drop down to select from the available options. The Field drop down contains all Fields that are on the Form used in the Data Source section.


The Fields section allows for certain customizations - Display Title checkbox, Alternative Title, Totals Display, Text Align , Limit Char (Characters), and Field Width

  • Display Title: When this box is left unchecked the Titles (alternative or default) will not be displayed on the Page Part, only the data will be shown.

    If the box is checked the Title will be displayed on the PagePart.

  • Alternative Title: If you want to change the title that is displayed to something other than the Field Title you can enter an Alternative Title in the box that will be shown in place of the Field name

  • Totals Display: Does not function with a Details Page Part

  • Text Align: Text in the Page Part can be aligned Left, Centre, or Right.

    Left is the Default Alignment.

  • Limit Char (Characters): Does not function with a Details Page Part

  • Field Width(% ): Does not function with a Details Page Part


Page Part Filters

In the Page Parts Filters, you can add extra filters that you would like used for your Details Page Part. These filters ensure that only the information you want to be viewed is shown. You can use as many or a few as you'd like. When using a date field in Page Part Filters the date format will match the format of the date field in List Settings.

For example, if you wanted to display the Daily Journal Entry for the individual on their Individual Details page but you only wanted to show the Daily Journal Entry for yesterday, you could set the Page Part Filters like:




Sort Fields

Sort Field 

  • Sort Field sets the sort order for the Details entries on the front end based on a field on the form. A popular Sort Field is Created (date created), with Sort Direction: Descending which will display newest data at the top of the Page Part. Setting the Sort Field to Ascending will display the oldest data at the top of the Page Part.  

Second Sort Field

  • Second Sort Field allows you to set a second sort order based on a field on the form. The sort order can be set to Ascending or Descending using Sort Direction.


Page Part Buttons

There are five buttons you can configure on the Details Page Part. The five buttons include:

  • New

  • View

  • Edit

  • Delete

  • Disable “Display”


There are two options for displaying the New button:

  • Never: No button to add a new announcement is displayed on the page part.

  • Only if no items: The button to add a new entry will only appear when there is no details entry displayed on the Page Part

In the field under the drop down list for displaying the "New" button, a label can be given to the New Button (ex: New info). If no label is entered, only the New Button will appear.

Once saved, the label will show with the New button on the Page Part.

You can set the Position of the New Button. It can be Above (at the top of the Page Part), Below (at the bottom of the Page Part), or both Above and Below (at the top and the bottom of the Page Part).

The Display New Button can be made to only be visible for certain roles by adding the permitted roles to the Allow for Selected Roles(s) section when setting up the Page Part.

Display “View” Button

When selected, the View button allows users to view the full form from the Details PagePart.

In the field under the checkbox for displaying the "View" button, a different label can be given to the View Button (ex: Open Details).

Once saved, the label will appear with the New button on the Page Part.


Display “Edit” Button

There are two options for the Display Edit Button:

  • Do Not Allow Editing: The Edit button will not appear on the Display Form and information cannot be edited. 

  • Edit From Display Form: The Edit button will appear on the Display Form and information can be edited.


Delete Button

Roles with access to the delete button will be able to delete any Details entry.

Select which Roles have access to the Delete button by adding the Role to the Allow for Selected Roles box. Site Administrators are automatically given Delete permissions and cannot be removed, regardless of if they are listed in the Allow for Selected Roles Box.

Disable “Display” Form

Does not function with a Details Page Part

Page Part Permissions

Page part permissions is where you can choose which Roles have access to this page part. By default, all Roles that have Permissions to the Page will be automatically granted access to the Page Part.

To remove access to a Role, select the Role name in the Have Access box and then select the single arrow above the list to move the Role to the Do Not Have Access. 

To provide access to a Role, click on the role name in the Do Not Have Access box and then select the single arrow button above the list to move the Role to Have Access.


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