Quick Start Menu Headings
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Headings allow Site Administrators to organize the Quick Start menu in each portal. Site Administrators can add, edit or delete Headings in Portal Settings.
In portal settings, headings are identified by this icon:
System Headings
When a new portal is created, the system will automatically create a system heading which is identified by the padlock icon.
System headings cannot be edited or deleted.
The heading text is the portal name and the system adds the word Pages after the portal name. If the portal names is changed, then the system heading will automatically update.
This system heading is required because when a new portal is added, a page is also automatically created and each page on your site must be placed under a heading. Anytime a new page is added to your site, if an existing heading has not been selected before the Add page button is clicked on will be placed under the system heading.
Also, if a heading is deleted, any page(s) listed under the heading will be automatically moved under the system heading.
Before adding headings to your portals on your ShareVision site, you will need to
Login with ShareVision Administrator permissionsÂ
Have developed a plan for the information will need to be made available to your ShareVision users (i.e. Consider how you would like to organize your portals, what headings would help to create sections for the information and what pages you would like to add under the headings)Â
Once you have developed a plan for your ShareVision site you are ready to add headings to your portals.
Login to ShareVision with a user account that has Site Administrator permissions.Â
Select (click on) your name in the upper right hand corner
Select Site Administration on the menu that appears
The Site Administration Home page will be displayed. Select Portal Settings in the Site Settings section:
Select a portal where you would like to add, edit or delete headings. In this example, the Policies portal will be selected.
Adding a Heading
When the policies portal is selected, the portal details will be displayed on the right side of the portal settings. The add heading button will also appear.
Enter the Heading Text for the new heading.
Select the Create Heading button.
The new heading is added to the left side in the Quick Start menu area.
The heading details will be displayed on the right side of the portal settings.
Editing a Heading
You are able to edit the headings that are not system headings. As a reminder, system headings have a padlock icon.
Select a heading you would like to edit.
You can edit the heading in the Heading Text on the right side in the portal settings.
To save your changes, select the Save Heading button.
The Heading Saved message will appear at the bottom right.
The updated heading will also appear in the Quick Start menu area.
Deleting a Heading
To delete an existing heading, select the heading you would like to delete.
The heading details will be displayed on the right side of the portal settings.
Select the Delete heading button.
You will be prompted to confirm the deletion. Select OK to delete the heading or Cancel to cancel the deletion and return to the portal settings.
If you select OK, the heading will be deleted a Heading Deleted message will appear in the bottom right corner. Any pages and page parts that were under the deleted heading will be moved under the portalâs system heading.
Hiding a Heading on your Site
You can hide a heading on your site so that it is not displayed on the Quick Start menu of a portal.
Any heading that does not have any pages listed under it will not be visible on your site. In the image below, there is a Policies heading (2) in portal settings but it is not displayed on the site.
Both the Team Documents (1) and the Policies Pages (3) headings are displayed as they have pages listed under those headings in portal settings.
Headings will also be hidden to users that are in roles that do not have access to the page(s) listed under headings. For example, if the permissions for the Team Documents page are set up to only allow the users in the Policy Team role to see the page, when a user that is not in the Policy Team role views this portal, they will not see the Team Documents heading or page.
When the ShareVision Manager logs in, they can see the Team Documents heading and page in the Quick Start menu because the Policies Team role has been added to their user account.
When the ShareVision Staff logins in, they do not see the Team Documents heading and page in the Quick Start menu because the Policies Team role has not been added to their user account.