Contacts Portal

Contacts Portal


Contacts Portal is a portal that provides a central location from which to search, add, and manage stored names and contact information about people who interact with clients at your organization.

Contacts are separated into:

  • Professionals - people who provide professional or business services.

  • General Contacts - independent contacts not associated with an organization, commonly used to track family and other non-professional people.

Access to the Contacts portal and to the buttons within is role based, configurable and is managed by Site Administrators. As a starting point:

  • The Contacts Portal is visible/accessible to Site Administrators and users in the Managers role.

  • The Contacts portal icon is not visible to users in other roles.

Contacts who are added can then be "related" to clients. To find out more, please review the article about Contacts on the Clients Portal.

Adding a Client

The instructions for adding a client are provided in Manage Clients (Add Client or Update Existing Client).



Login with Site Administrator permissions to make adjustments to the Contacts Portal permissions and Page Part permissions and buttons.

Login with Manager or Site Administrator permissions to add and edit contacts from the Contact portal.



Configuring the Contacts Portal

Changing permissions to Contacts Portal

View/adjust role permissions to Contacts portal

  1. Login with Site Administrator permissions

  2. Select (click on) your name in the upper right hand corner



  3. Select Site Administration on the menu that appears


  4. The Site Administration Home page will be displayed. Select Portal Settings in the Site Settings section

  5. The existing portals on your ShareVision site will appear on the Portal Settings page. Select (click on) Contacts

  6. In the Permissions Section, adjust roles that have access by clicking on a role name and moving it.

    • Give access to a specific role by clicking on one found under "Do Not Have Access" then clicking on the right arrow to move to "Have Access"

    • Give access to all roles by clicking on the right double arrow under "Do Not Have Access", which will move all the roles to “Have Access”


  • Remove access for a specific role by clicking on one found under "Have Access" then clicking on the left arrow to move to "Do Not Have Access".

  • Remove access for all roles by clicking on the left double arrow under "Have Access", which will move all the roles to “Do Not Have Access”

7. To save changes click "Save Portal"


View/adjust role permissions on Page Part Buttons

Follow steps 1 to 5 above to get to Portal Settings for Contacts Portal. There are 2 Page Parts included in the Contacts portal. Select (click on) Professionals or General Contacts, found below the portals; the steps are the same for either

  1. Open Page Part Buttons

    In this section, make adjustments to "Allow for selected role(s)" by adding or removing roles for the following buttons:

  • New Button

  • Edit Button

  • Delete Button

  1. Click inside the box with the role name to "x" (remove) a role, or select (click on) a new role

  2. Click Save Page Part


View/adjust role permissions on Page Part Permissions

  1. Open Page Part Permissions from the same page as above


  2. Add a role by clicking on a role found under "Do Not Have Access" and clicking on the right arrow to move to "Have Access". Notice that only roles that have access to the Contacts portal are available to choose from.

  3. Click Save Page Part

Using the Contacts Portal

New contacts are added from the Contacts portal front end (i.e. not from the Contacts portal within Site Administration). Select (click on) the Contacts portal icon.

The page loads with Professionals grouped by Professional Type, and General Contacts grouped by Contact Type.

Existing Contacts

Each Page Part has a search box that allows the user to search by name. If the person is not found "No data available in table" is displayed.

If the person is found, their information can be viewed, edited, renamed or deleted depending upon the role permissions of the user. All these actions are available from the actions menu (3 dots to the left of the name).

Searching by Name

When searching, use either a first name or last name (e.g. John OR Anderson). If searching a full name, you must search in the format LastName, FirstName (e.g. Anderson, John).

Add a new Professional or General Contact

  1. Before adding a new Professional or General Contact, use the search feature within the type of contact you want to add. You cannot add duplicate names.

  2. Assuming the name of the professional you want to add is not found, select (click on) "New Professional"

  3. Fill in First Name and Last Name; the Full Name field is automatically generated. If you are adding a doctor, you may add "Dr." in front of their first name. i.e. Mountain, Dr. Rose has a first name of Dr. Rose

  4. Select (click on) Next


  5. Fill in the Contact Information for the person you are adding

  6. Select (click on) Finish

Once contacts are added, you can create a relationship from the client contact page

View a Contact

  1. Search for a name. Once found, click on the 3 dots in front of the person's name

  2. Select View

  3. The display / view page will load. Options on the view page are to Edit (see below), Delete, (see below), Cancel (do nothing) or Print

  4. Select Cancel to return to the contacts portal

Edit a Contact

  1. Search for a name. Once found click on the 3 dots in front of the person's name

  2. Select Edit

  3. You will arrive at the edit page. Here, make changes to the content and click Save when done. If no changes are made, the Save button is active. If no changes are required click Cancel.

The Rename option is available in the edit form to users with rename buttons permissions. These permissions are found in Roles / Permissions / Client / Rename Buttons


Rename a Contact

  1. Search for a name. Once found click on the 3 dots in front of the person's name

  2. Select Rename

  3. Rename form will pop up. The first name and last name fields can be edited. Select Done to complete or Cancel to back out.

Delete a Contact

  1. Search for a name. Once found click on the 3 dots in front of the person's name

  2. Select Delete

  3. A pop-up screen will appear for you to confirm or decline deleting this contact.
    Click OK to proceed or Cancel to back out.

Restore Deleted Contact

Deleted items are moved to the Recycle Bin, which is accessed from the area below the Quick Start Menu. If a contact is deleted, any relationship to that contact is also deleted. If you are going to restore a contact, you can also restore any relationships that were deleted at the same time.

  1. Click on Recycle Bin. Review items that have been deleted. Locate the item for the contact that was deleted. Check if any Contact Relationships have the same deletion time; they will be clients with relationships to the deleted contact

  2. Restore items as desired by clicking on the arrow icon in front of the item




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