Individual Data Exporting
Applies To Version(s): 4
The Individual Data Export tool conveniently compiles all data or in a PDF document and files of an Individual into a spreadsheet of data and zip file of documents. This is particularly useful when an Individual's records are required by provincial/federal authorities or an agency the supported Individual is being transferred to from your organization.
This tool can be accessed by navigating to -
v4AdminSite > Site Settings > (Site Administration) Individual Data Export
This feature has been updated to also export individual attendance and communication logs
Parameters Screen
Individual = Select Individual (this dropdown only displays Individuals – based on [Profile]).
Data File Title = Name your output file
File Format = Choose either excel (each list becomes a sheet within workbook, with rows of items for that Individual) OR list data in a pdf (while only searchable via pdf reader (in-app) text search)
Export "My Documents" Files? = if yes/checked, then all docs, incl. folders, within the Individual's My Documents library, is zip archived.
'Export' button = copies data and places excel file or in a PDF document depending on the option selected and zip file in the Individual's My Documents library.
Individual Data Export System Messages
Once the Export button is clicked, the page has a different button and system messages to let you know the progress of the export.
Processing List: (Name of List)
The system searches each list for any items where the selected Individual is identified in the item(s). The system will log each list and number of rows (items/records) it has found for that Individual. If there are no items on a list for that Individual then the system will not create a log entry.
Zip archive has been created.
This notifies the user that a zip file has been created in the Individual's 'My Documents' library. Note that the contents of the zip file may take a few moments to be placed there.
The system also displays a link to go directly to the Individual's 'My Documents' library folder.
List Title (name) Character Substitutions
When exporting list data to a Microsoft Excel workbook, list names longer than 31 characters are truncated, removing any characters after the 31st character. To circumvent any data export issues the INDIVIDUAL DATA EXPORT tool will substitute list name characters on the Excel tab title as listed in the table to the right.
Description | Character(s) | Substitution |
Text characters | Archive | ARC |
Text characters | Daily | DLY |
Text characters | Individuals Information | INDINFO |
Text characters | Information | INFO |
Text characters | Individual | IND |
Text characters | QuickStart | QS |
Text characters | Communication | COMM |
Text characters | Announcements | ANC |
Text characters | Fact Sheet | FS |
Text characters | Program | PRG |
Text characters | Residence | RES |
Text characters | Assessments | ASMT |
Text characters | Occurrence | OCC |
Tilde | ~ | (removed)* |
Hash | # | (removed) |
Percent | % | (removed) |
ampersand | & | (removed) |
Star | * | (removed) |
Colon | : | (removed) |
Less than | < | (removed) |
Greater than | > | (removed) |
Question mark | ? | (removed) |
Forward slash | / | (removed) |
Backward slash | \ | (removed) |
Double Forward Slash | // | (removed) |
Left Curly Bracket | { | (removed) |
Right Curly Bracket | } | (removed) |
Bar | | | (removed) |
En dash | - | (removed) |
space | (space) | (removed) |
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