How to Create a New Form for Users

Applies to Version(s): 3, 3.5, 3.7

You must be a user with Site Administrator permissions to create a new form.


Create your list to collect data

  1. Navigate to Site Actions tab> Create Content or Site Actions tab> View All Site Content> Create
  2. Select Custom Lists _NEW LIST TEMPLATE (this already has four columns configured which are most commonly used in ShareVision. )
  3. Name your new list.
  4. Click OK to create your list.

Create the form for Users to complete

  1. IF following on from the steps above, you will be now at a list-view. Note: this is a Site Administrators view - general staff/most users will access through a filter page you will create later. To get to this view you can also navigate to Site Actions tab> View All Site Content> Lists (list name).
  2. At the list view,  go to Settings> List Settings. Here you can set up the columns (fields) for your form.
  3. Add columns  via the 'Add columns' links at the bottom of the Columns section. See → COLUMN TYPES and SITE COLUMNS

Create the page for Users to access your form

v3.7 Custom and v3.7 Essentials sites have the ability to create a 'front-end' page to filter items (records) and provide access to the form and saved forms to Users.

v3.0 and v3.5 versions need to have purchased the Filter Page Wizard Add-On.

  1. At the list view  navigate to Settings> List Settings> Permissions and Management Filter records for this list by individual/program/residence.
    1. Note that, as the link describes, the page builder can only build pages that filter by Individual OR Program/Residence. If you need to build a page for a form that does not include these columns a custom-built front-end page will need to be built. Essentials sites cannot have these pages developed. All other site version customers can contact Support or their Product Expert to discuss custom-built front-end pages.
  2. Follow the instructions to configure your front end filter page → FILTER PAGE WIZARD

Create a link for the User to access an Unfiltered view of the list

It is possible to present a list-view that shows ALL items (i.e. no filtering) to users and the ability to create new items.

  1. Create a Details Link to the list on the desired 'QuickStart -' or '- Details Links' lists, using the url of the list. List controls in the horizontal menu bar will be available depending on what list permissions the User has been granted.
  2. Appearance of the Details Link (dependent on the User) can be set by managing the permissions of the link created in #1 above.