



Roles are a part of security and permissions which allows site administrators to grant permissions for a user based on the role they play in the organization. Roles are groups of users and can have specific permissions applied. All users who access ShareVision must be added to the Staff role.

Roles can be created to group users who all work at the same service. Roles can be created for users who are managers or for anyone who needs greater permissions than for non-managers roles. If roles are applied to specific services, then users will only see services that they have permission to. If all users should be able to see all services, there is no need to create a separate role since the Staff role contains all users.

Recommendation: There is a process for adding Services and related roles when starting from the Services Portal. Please review the Security and Permissions Knowledge Base Article before you add services. You can determine the security model that works for you and then follow the step by step guide to add services, roles and add staff to the roles.

It is important to note that permissions apply to the user within a role. If one role grants a user higher permissions, than the permissions in that role trumps a role that has lesser permissions. I.e. a Manager will have permissions for Comments - Delete Own as a part of their Staff role permissions, and have Comments - Delete All as part of their Manager role permissions. Permissions to some actions are configurable within each role.


Permissions are applied to a role based on the responsibilities of the users in the role. Staff role has limited permissions. Managers role has additional permissions. Site Administrators have full permissions.

Staff role

Staff role as been set as a default role that is assigned to new users.

Out of the box, the role Staff is set to have limited permissions.
Client Contacts - Edit Contact (optional)
Client Contacts - Edit Relationship (optional)
Comments - Delete Own
Comments - Edit Own

Warning: all users must be added to the Staff role in order to be able to access ShareVision.

Manager role

Role Manager is set to have additional permissions.
Users - Changing permissions
Users - Creating new user
Users - Editing user
Users - Unlock
Client - Add New
Client - Add to Service Buttons
Client - Exit From Service Buttons
Client -Rename Buttons
Client Contacts - Add New Contact
Client Contacts - Add Relationship
Client Contacts - Delete Relationship
Client Contacts - Edit Contact
Client Contacts - Edit Relationship
Comments - Delete All
Comments - Delete Own
Comments - Edit All
Comments - Edit Own

Site Administrator role

Site Administrators have access to all permissions. All of those listed for manager plus
Roles - Creating new role
Roles - Deleting role
Roles - Editing role
Roles -Manage Permissions Tab
Roles-Manage Users Tab
Site Settings - Calendars
Site Settings - Create Portals/Pages/Page Parts
Site Settings - Delete Portals/Pages/Page Parts
Site Settings - Documents
Site Settings - Edit Portals/Pages/Page Parts
Site Settings - Forms
Site Settings - Manage the notifications sent out by your site
Site Settings - Portal Settings
Site Settings - Reports
Site Settings - Roles
Site Settings - Site Setting Home
Site Settings - Tutorials and Help
Site Settings - Users
Site Settings - View Comments/Marked as Read
Users - Deleting user
Users - Login for users
Client Contacts - Delete relationship
Client Contacts - Restore deleted contact

Note: you cannot edit the permissions for the role Site Administrators.



Login with Site Administrator permissions.



Site Users and Security - Roles

  1. Login to ShareVision with a user account that has Site Administrator permissions.

  2. Select (click on) your name in the upper right hand corner

  3. Select Site Administration on the menu that appears

  4. The Site Administration Home page will be displayed. Select Roles in the Site Users and Security section:

  5. The list of Roles will be displayed.

  6. From the Actions menu you can Edit or Delete Roles

Edit Roles - Role Properties

Allows you to change the name of a role or make the role a "default" role that applies to all users.

Note: you cannot edit the role Site Administrators.

  1. From the Actions menu select Edit

  2. You will be on the tab "Role properties".

  3. Click into Role name if you wish to rename the role.

  4. *Tick the Default box, if you wish every user to be added to this group.

  5. Select Save to complete the changes or Cancel to back out.

Edit Role - Permissions

Allows you to adjust permissions of a role.
The parent folder will be automatically ticked if any permissions within a folder are selected. Likewise, if all permissions within a parent folder are un-selected, the parent folder will also become un-selected.
App Permission - will be automatically ticked if any permissions are selected. If all permissions are un-selected, on Save App Permissions will become un-selected.

  1. From the Actions menu select Edit

  2. You will be on the tab "Role properties"; select the tab "Permissions"

  3. Review each of the sections and tick or un-tick boxes as desired

  4. Select Save to complete the changes or Cancel to back out.

Edit Roles - Users

Allows you to view the names of users who are in this role. Users cannot be added or edited from this page. Roles for users is managed from Site Users and Security - Users page.

  1. From the Actions menu select Edit

  2. You will be on the tab "Role properties"; select the tab "Users"

  3. Review the names of users in the role.

  4. Click X to exit or move to another tab within roles.

Delete Roles

  1. From the Actions menu select Delete.

  2. Read warning message: [Selected Role] will be deleted and unassigned from all assigned users.

  3. Select OK to proceed or Cancel to back out of the action.

Create new role

Allows you to create a new role.

  1. Login to ShareVision with a user account that has Site Administrator permissions.

  2. Select (click on) your name in the upper right hand corner

  3. Select Site Administration on the menu that appears

  4. The Site Administration Home page will be displayed. Select Roles in the Site Users and Security section:

  5. In the top right corner of the page select Create new role

  6. Fill in the Roll name. Give it a name that will help to identify the purpose of the role.
    Do not tick the box Default unless you are creating a role that all users need to be in. As noted previously, since all uses are in the Staff role, this option is rarely used.

  7. Select Save to complete the action or Cancel to back out of the action.

Roles - Show Advanced Filters

Advanced Filters allows you to quickly see which role(s) have specific permissions assigned to it/them. The search is matching roles that contain all of the selected permissions. It is better to keep the search simple.

  1. From the Roles page click Show advanced filters.

  2. A section opens to display Select Permissions. Click Select Permissions.

  3. Click the permission(s) of your choosing and then "Select". The page will load the roles that contain all of the selected permissions.

  4. Click Select Permissions again to refine the current selection.

  5. Click Clear to start over.


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