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\uD83C\uDFAF Overview - what is this guide?

Getting started with your new ShareVision site can seem a daunting task: from learning the ins-and-outs of an Administrator’s responsibilities, to beginning the process of populating your site with real data. We want this guide to provide you with a general outline of the implementation steps we’ve found lead to a successful onboarding experience.

When should you be reading this material?

Ideally, this document will provide you a helping hand after you’ve completed your Onboarding and Training. We’ve found that a crucial stage in the success of a new ShareVision Site is often right after Training has been completed. It’s at this point that you take everything you’ve learned about being an Administrator (we understand this can be a lot!) and apply that knowledge to your ShareVision site. It’s our aim to help provide additional clarity during the first 12 months of your implementation, and to remind you of the resources you have at your disposal. Essentially, you’re not alone!

\uD83D\uDDD2 Your Resources

First off, let’s start with a refresher of what resources you have at your disposal so far.

1. Welcome to ShareVision Slide-deck

Prior to your first official meeting with the ShareVision Customer Success team, you should have received an email containing an important slide-deck. This deck contains a fantastic refresher on the first steps of your onboarding process. Here you can find how to:

  • Change Passwords

  • Locate and complete the Administrator Training Module

  • Access and contact our dedicated Support Team

  • A link to our KnowledgeBase containing articles to help you with a wide variety of topics

2. Training Module

While we require our Training Module be completed before the in-person session can be scheduled, you may also find this portion of your onboarding valuable to re-visit. We understand that sometimes there can be a lot that goes on between the time you complete the Training Module, and when you and your Admin Team tackle the task of populating your ShareVision Site. Due to this, it can be a good idea to review the Videos and Quizzes of the Module to act as a refresher on some of the more involved Admin tasks.

\uD83D\uDCCC Phase One

Now that we’ve had our refresher, let’s begin with Phase One of the ShareVision Implementation process.

After Training: Populating your Site

Once you’ve completed Training and have met with a Product Expert, this brings you to the first phase of your implementation: beginning to populating your Site with the necessary Services, Individuals, Lists, and Pages for your staff to complete their daily tasks. 

This may be a gradual process, and one that may take some consideration on where and how your data is stored on ShareVision. 

While these decisions are up to your Site’s Admin Team to decide; we want to make clear that you are not alone at this stage. If you and your Organization purchased the Getting Started bundle of billable hours, this is a perfect opportunity to consider using them for consultation on getting your Site up and running. 

If you’re finding that you’re unsure of where to start, you can feel free to use the below as a guide for populating your Site.

Data Order



Knowledge Base Article


Add your Administrator Users to your site so that all members of your implementation team have full access.


Create new Programs and Residences for all of your organization’s services.

Add a Program

Add a Residence


Add your supported Individuals

Add an Individual


Determine if a bulk data import would be useful in populating your site

Data Import


Visit Configure Portal Settings on the Site Administration to begin to re-name and re-order your Site’s Pages and PageParts to match your naming conventions and desired layout.

Portals, Pages and Page Parts Overview


Create the Lists you require to capture the necessary information your organization will be storing on your ShareVision Site.

Forms - Create a New Form with the Add New ShareVision Basic Form Template


Decide where these Lists should be displayed on the front-end, and begin creating new Pages and/or PageParts to do so.

Pages: Set Up and Configuration

PageParts: Set Up and Configuration


Begin to establish your Site’s permissions, starting with your Programs and Residences.

Setup a new program or residence


Establish permissions for your supported Individuals.

Individual Wizard Permissions


Begin to consider your Reporting needs.

How to Request a New Report or an Edit of an Existing Report

If the above tasks seem daunting with the bandwidth you have, remember, your billable hours can be used to help with some of the heavy lifting of creating Lists, Pages, and PageParts and importing data. If you and your team are finding you don’t have the bandwidth necessary to get your site off the ground in the timeframe you’d like, this is another opportunity to utilize your billable hours.

\uD83D\uDCCC Phase Two

Getting ready to go-live

Now that you’ve populated your ShareVision Site with the necessary information for your Staff to complete their daily responsibilities (or at least a portion of them!), it’s time to think about going live with your Site.

Up until this point, it’s likely that the only people who've accessed your ShareVision Site are you and your team of Administrators. This can change in a number of different approaches:

Introducing your Site Users

  • 1. All at once: If you have a limited number of Users, and you feel confident in their technical know-how, you may feel comfortable introducing your Site in one unveiling. User profiles would have been created, permissions established, and all Services and Individuals populated. From here, your Site Users will be able to perform their necessary responsibilities on a day-to-day basis. Ongoing additions and configuration of your Site may be needed, but the core elements

  • 2. By Department: It may be the case that introducing your Users is best done on a department by department basis. What can lead to a successful implementation is populating the necessary information for one of your Organization’s departments, say Homeshare, and introduce the Homeshare Staff to ShareVision first. This allows for greater flexibility in populating your Site, and establishing permissions. Additionally, you get the benefit of a limited roll-out which can act as a test environment before all employees have access.

  • 3. Super User Group: This group should be comprised of end users who are keen about and skilled at using computers/technology. This Super User Group provides 2 benefits:

    1. Early access to ShareVision by these users so that they get familiar with it and will be able to act as champions and resources as they onboard teams when they are going live.

    2. Built in testers for feedback from the people who do the day to day work so that the SV Admins can adjust forms or flow in how ShareVision will be used before it is live. To do this Define a “subset” of your organization that you will focus on configuring the new site for.


      Staff(s) working in those Service(s)

      Individuals currently accessing those Service(s)

      Forms and Processes necessary for those Individuals and Staff

      Configure your new site for that Pilot group

      Train those Staff on accessing and using the SV site. Go “Live” with this Pilot group

      Gather feedback from them

Fully completing your ShareVision implementation will likely be an extended process, requiring gradual updates informed through feedback from your Staff and Admin Team. During this process, we encourage you to utilize the ShareVision Team to aid you in the process.

\uD83D\uDC65 Phase Three

Continued support and guidance

In addition to the resources covered at the beginning of this guide, you’re able to contact the ShareVision team for guidance or assistance with your Site. The assistance we provide is divided into two teams: Support and Product Expers.

Support can be accessed once your in-person training session with a Product Expert has been completed. Your ShareVision subscription includes unlimited technical support to your Primary ShareVision Administrator. This is a valuable resource.

Produce Experts are available for billable time to offer guidance or training for your ShareVision Site; or, to submit custom work.

For a much more detailed breakdown of how to contact ShareVision, and our services offered, please refer to the following article: Getting Help with your ShareVision Site

\uD83D\uDCB0 Examples of what billable time can be used for

To give you an idea of what can be requested of the Product Expert Team, we’ve included a table below to act as a starting point.



Due date




Lists and Pages


Workflows and features


  • No labels