Data Import

Data Import

Using the data import tool, a site administrators is able to import multiple records from an excel spreadsheet into your ShareVision site.

Data must be arranged within the Excel sheet with column header titles that exactly match those in the receiving list.


  1. Navigate to the site administrator section of the site and select 'Data Import' in the Utilities section
  2. Select the list you wish to import records into.
  3. Select the date format which matches the dates specified in your spreadsheet.
  4. Select the Choose File button or Drop the Excel spreadsheet into the box that appears

  • Your spreadsheet must contain all columns that are required by the list, regardless of the Content Type settings.
  • Your spreadsheet row 1 must be the Exact Name of the column from the list your are importing into.
  • The importer uses the First Sheet in your spreadsheet.
  • For multi-pick Fields: The delimiter must be a semicolon ; or SharePoint's standard delimiter ;#
  • Import Limit: Start at 1000 Items. This limit is solely based on the number of columns requiring validation, such as User Fields, Lookups, and Date Time fields. Start at 1000 and if it takes under 1 minute, bump up your next import to 2000.
  • Calculated columns cannot be imported (the column and calculation should be recreated in the list before the import).
  • If you are copying data from an existing list, the ID column is a system generated column which should not be included in the import. 

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