Add an Individual from the Contact Manager Using Add to Program or Residence Link

Applies To Version(s): 3, 3.5 & 3.7

This information outlines the process for using the Add to Program or Residence feature.  This feature allows you to add an individual to a program or residence directly from a successful search in the Contact Manager.  For other methods, see Assign a program or residence to an individual.

  1. Go to the Contact Manager.

  2. On the QuickStart Menu, click Contacts just under Search/Create.

  3. To find the individual, type the name into the Search box and click Go.

  4. When the individual you want appears, click create Add to Program or Residence.  This will launch a Program History: New Item form that will allow you to add a record of an individual being part of a program or residence.

  5. Complete the form as needed, ensuring start date OR referral date is filled out otherwise user will not appear in the program or residence. 

    If you are creating a historical record for a program or residence the individual used to be in, make sure you include both Start and Exit Dates.  If instead you are creating a record for a program or residence the individual is currently part of, make sure you only include a Start Date.

  6. Click OK to save the record.