Form Audit Log

Form Audit Log


When enabled a user can now see the tracked changes that are being made to items (records) for a specific list as well restoring a item (record) to a previous version.



Before a user can view the Audit Logs, they must fulfill the requirements:

  • Users' Role has access to Form Audit Log



To view the historical changes on an record in a list, users will need to:

  1. View a record on your ShareVision site by clicking Actions and then View

  2. Once a record has been opened in View, the Audit Information section will appear at the bottom of the screen

    1. Created By and Created Date indicate by who and what date/time the original record was created

    2. Modified By and Modified Date list the last person who had edited the record and the date/time the modifications were made

    3. Form/Form Version let the user know which Form and Form Version the record was made on. The Submission Id provides the ID number of the record within the Form.

  3. The Versions count indicates how many times a record has been opened, edited, and changes saved. To see each of the versions, click Show details.


  4. Show details lists each of the versions that has been saved, each version has:

    1. Show/Hide functionality: Click Show to expand the record and view what was saved in the selected version.

    2. Version Date: The date and time that the particular version of the record was saved.

    3. Updated By: This is the name of the user that saved that version of the record.

  5. When show is selected, the version of the record that was saved will display.


  6. It is important to take note of any fields that display and exclamation point beside them. The icon is to inform users that the column is pulling information from lookup fields and as such, no historical values are saved. This means that the data in these fields are current and may not represent what was in the fields at the time the version was saved.


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