Reordering Portals in the Quick Start Menu


Site Administrators can change the order of the portals in the Quick Start menu.



Before changing the order of the portals in the Quick Start Menu on your ShareVision site, you will need to

  • Login with Site Administrator permissions 

  • Have developed a plan for the order of the portals



You can reorder of the portals in the Quick Start menu. 


  1. Login to ShareVision with a user account that has Site Administrator permissions. 

  2. Select (click on) your name in the upper right hand corner

  3. Select Site Administration on the menu that appears

  4. The Site Administration Home page will be displayed. Select Portal Settings in the Site Settings section:


  5. To reorder the portals, click and drag a portal to where you would like it placed.
    Tip: Select the play button on the image below to see how it is done.


  6. Go back to your site and refresh it. The portals will now be displayed in the new order.







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