Managing Your Subscription: Cancellation and Payments

Managing Your Subscription: Cancellation and Payments


In the Subscription area on your site, you can:

  • Cancel: If you cancel the suscription, your subscription will end on your renewal date. As your subscription is an annual commitment, all monthly payments will continue until the renewal date.

  • Manage Payment: Allows you to access and modify the billing and payment details in your Stripe account. Stripe is the system that automatically invoices and collects the monthly payments for your subscription.



  • Login with Site Administrator permissions.

  • Navigated to the Subscription page in Site Administration. Review the Subscription knowledge base article for more information.



Cancel Your Subscription

Your subscription is a recurring monthly payment with an annual commitment which will automatically renew on this date. If you wish to prevent your subscription from automatically renewing on this date, you will need to Cancel your subscription prior to the renewal date.

  1. To cancel your subscription, select the Cancel button.



  2. Review the message that appears and select Confirm to proceed with cancelling your subscription so that it does not autor renew on your renewal date. If you select Cancel, your subscription will remain unchanged and will automatically renew on your renewal date.



Extend (or Reinstate) Your Subscription

  1. If you have cancelled your subscription and wish to uncancel it, you can select the Extend button that is displayed for cancelled subscriptions.

  2. After you select the Extend button, the screen will automatically refresh and the Cancel button will be displayed again.

Manage Payment

The Manage Payment button allows you to access and modify the billing and payment details in your Stripe account. Stripe is the system that automatically invoices and collects the monthly payments for your subscription.

  1. When you select the Manage Payment button, the screen will refresh and the information for your Stripe account will be displayed, including the following information:

    1. Current Plan

    2. Payment Method

    3. Billing Information

    4. Invoice History

Current Plan

  1. This section displays a summary of your subscription including:

    1. Subscription level

    2. Total monthly payment amount including taxes

    3. The renewal date

    4. Credit card details for the credit card that is billed monthly


Payment Method

  1. The payment method section displays information about the credit card(s) on your Stripe account including:

    1. The credit card(s) with expiry dates on your account

    2. The option to add another credit card to your account

    3. The options to set the default credit card or to delete a credit card from your account. Note: If there is only one credit card on your account, it is automatically set as the default credit card and cannot be deleted. If you need to delete the credit card, you will first need to add another payment method


Adding a Payment Method

  1. Select the + Add payment method link and the Add Payment Method window will be displayed.

  2. Enter the payment method details and select Add or select Go back to return to the previous screen.

Billing Information

  1. This section displays the billing information for your account

    1. The email address that the Stripe system sends copies of the monthly invoices to

    2. The phone number for your account

    3. Update Information link

If the invoices are not in the inbox for the email address listed in the Billing Information, be sure to check the spam and/or junk folders for the email account.

Updating Billing Information

  1. To change the email address, select the Update Information link

  2. Update the email address and/or phone number and select Save. If you do not wish to make any changes, select cancel.

Invoice History

In this section, you can view a summary of the monthly transactions and download your monthly invoices and receipts.

  1. The most recent transactions are listed

  2. Select View More to expand the section and previous transactions

Downloading Invoices and/or Receipts

  1. To view an invoice or receipt, select the date of the invoice you would like to view

  2. A new tab will open and you can select to either Download Invoice or Download Receipt

  3. Once downloaded, a popup window will appear in the upper right corner of the window. Select it to view the PDF.

  4. You can close the tab.

  5. From the Manage Payment screen, you can select the Return to Breakwater Designs Limited link to return to Site Administration



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