HTML PagePart: Set Up and Configuration


This knowledge base article provides you with everything you need to know about the HTML PagePart on your ShareVision site. Often HTML PageParts are used to provide detailed instructions for what you need to do for a list or form. Another use case is embedding videos into your site.

PagePart Type

Select HTML as the Type of PagePart. The HTML PageParts will have thissymbol beside them in Portal Settings for easy recognition.


Before setting up portals on your ShareVision site, you will need to

  • Login with ShareVision Administrator permissions 
  • In Configure Portal Settings, have added a PagePart to a Page on a Portal
  • Have completed the set up and configuration of the PagePart Name, Accessible on and Display Name (Review PageParts: Set Up and Configuration for more information.)
  • Have developed a plan for the information that will need to be made available to your ShareVision users (i.e. Consider what pages you will need for the portals on your site, what type of information will be included on each page and who should have access to each page) 

HTML PagePart How to

Steps to create an HTML PagePart that includes instructions or details with regards to another PagePart:

  1. Create a new PagePart and select HTML
  2. Enter your instructions or information in the box under the HTML header.   

  3. Click Save 

Your HTML PagePart will now be created. Depending on the order of your PageParts you may need to re-organize to bring your HTML PagePart closer to it's related area. Review Reordering PageParts for how to change the order of the PageParts on a Page. 


PagePart Permissions 

PagePart Permissions is where you can choose which groups have access to this PagePart. To add a group, click on their name in the Do Not Have Access box so it is highlighted and then press the arrow button to move them to Have Access.

You can also remove permissions from the PagePart by selecting a group in the Have Access box and selecting the arrow to move the group to the Do Not Have Access Box

If you select the double arrows, it will move all groups in the box under where the double arrows were selected to the box next to it. This can be used to provide access to all groups listed or to remove access from all groups listed. 

PagePart Visibility (Listing Portals only)

If this PagePart is being added to a Page on an Listing Portal like Individuals, Programs or Residences, the PagePart Visibility section will appear in the PagePart settings. To learn more about this section, select one of the links below:

For Standard Portals (non-Listing), this section will not be displayed.