Programs or Residences Portals: PagePart Visibility


  • On your ShareVision site, you will find that when you select the Programs or Residences Portals a list programs or residences are displayed instead of the portal's landing page. These are Listing Portals

To add an Listing Portal to your ShareVision site, please contact 


Before working on pages on your ShareVision site, you will need to

  • Login with ShareVision Administrator permissions 
  • Have set up some lists and libraries in Site Administration
  • Have either the Programs Listing Portal or the Residences Listing Portal. Note: Your ShareVision site comes with both the Programs and Residences Listing Portals. 
  • Have developed a plan for the information will need to be made available to your ShareVision users (i.e. Consider what pages you will need for the portals on your site, what type of information will be included on each page and who should have access to each page) 

PagePart Visibility


Not only will Listing Portals display the information for the selected Service (Program or Residence) from the list that is displayed when you select the Programs or Residences Portals, your ShareVision Administrator can set whether PageParts are displayed or hidden by configuring PagePart Visibility

The table below identifies which types of PageParts have the PagePart Visibility option in PagePart Settings. 

Type of PagePartPagePart Visibility
Date Filter
Slide Show

  • Show for Selected Services

    • Set PageParts to be displayed for selected Service(s) (Programs or Residences).

    • Use Case: If staff need to track information for one or a few Services, the PagePart can be set to be displayed only for the Selected Service(s).  

  • Do Not Show for Selected Services

    • Set pages to be hidden for selected Service(s) (Programs or Residences).

    • Use Case: If staff need to track information that applies to most Services and do not need to track the information for one or a few Services, the PagePart can be hidden for the Selected Service(s).

  • Filter Based on values selected in Choice, Lookup or Yes/No Fields on the Programs and Residences List

    • Use Filters to display PageParts for values selected in Choice, Lookup or Yes/No Fields on the Programs or Residences List.

    • Use Case: If there is a PagePart for a Program that should only be displayed for specific Program Sectors, then Filters can be set for those specific Program Sectors. 

How To Video: PagePart Filter Fields

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