Page-Part - Replicate Individual Portal Page Page-Parts

Applies To Version(s): 4

This article guides you in manually configuring Page-Part(s). ShareVision Page-Parts can now be duplicated without the Site Administrator needing to manually configure settings. See the Knowledge Base Article.


ShareVision has proprietary elements which you can only effect configuration changes to;

  • Device Visibility
  • Sorting
  • Enable Export Buttons
  • Permissions

If you require to make changes to any of the locked settings you will need to replicate the proprietary element and hide (remove permissions and all device visibility) the proprietary Portal, Page or Page-Part.

This page displays the configuration settings for proprietary page parts on the main pages of the Individual for you to create your own similar page-part to adapt to the specific needs of your organization.

If you need further assistance, please contact ShareVision Support.

Individual Page Parts

 Individual Profile

 Fact Sheet

 Program History