User Logins

Applies To Version(s): 4


The User Logins Page allows Site Administrators to view the Username, Display name, the date and time, as well as the IP connected to each login on your ShareVision Site. Reviewing User Logins can be a useful tool to monitor who is actively logging in and using ShareVision.


  • Login with ShareVision Administrator permissions


  1. Login to ShareVision with a user account that has Site Administrator permissions. 
  2. Select the gear in the upper right hand corner and then select Site Administration:

  3. When prompted, enter your ShareVision Administrator username and password and select Sign In.

  4. In Site Administration, select User Logins in the Advanced Options section:                                                            
  5. You will be taken to a page that shows the user logins on your ShareVision site. Each entry contains the Username, Display Name, Date/Time, and IP address for each recorded login
  6. Logins can be filtered by Username, Display Name, Date, and IP Address by using the filter buttons beside each column. Clicking the filter button will display several different filter options, select the one most appropriate for your search.                                                                                                                                        

             Below is an example of how to filter by the Username and the Date 11/08/2022, only logins matching those two criteria will appear.  


If you would like to change the way the Date is displayed, this can be done in Regional Settings in the Locale section. Changing the Date format in Regional Settings will change how the Date is displayed site wide

Exporting to Excel

You can export the User Logins to Excel. 

  1. Select the Export to Excel button at the top right of list of User Logins. 

    Applying Filters Before Exporting

    If you filter by any information before you Export to Excel, only the filtered results will be exported.

  2. When the Excel file is ready to be viewed, a link to the Excel file will appear at the bottom left of the window. Select it. 
  3. The User Logins Excel file will open