Document Libraries

Document Libraries

Applies To Version(s): 4


Document libraries are used to store files on your ShareVision website. Users are able to upload, download and preview files in document library page parts.


Create a document library

  1. Navigate to the site administration section of your site then, select the "Add a New Document Library" option in the lists and libraries section
  2. Enter a Name and Description
  3. Select 'none' for the document template
  4. Select the create button which will then lead to your new document library

Files can be added to the document library by accessing it in the document libraries section from the "View All Lists and Libraries" option in the site administration section of your site.

Create Folders and Sub folders

  1. Navigate to the document library from the "View All Lists and Libraries" option in the site administration section of your site.
  2. In the files tab at the top of the page, select the New Folder option
  3. Enter the folder name and select save
  4. To create a sub folder 
    1. open the folder where the sub folder will be located
    2. create a folder using steps 2 and 3 above

Create a document library Page Part

  1. Navigate to the portal configurations page then select the page and page part you wish to add the document library page part
  2. Select the Documents option in the type field
  3. Select the Automatically Create Folder for Each Individual/Program/Residence option to set the system to create a new folder for each Individual/Program/Residence. When this is selected a folder will be created when the document library is opened for the first time on the Individual/Program/Residence page.  Note this option is only available when the page part is being created in an entity portal( Individual, Program or Residence portal) Individual/Program/Residence
  4. Select the Show Folder tree option to display the folders and subfolder in the page part 

    Show folder tree option will need to be selected to enable the ability to add new folders in the page part.

  5. Select how the folder trees display when the page is first opened
  6. Data Source
    1. List: select the document library
    2. Content Type :
      1. leave unselected to display the sub folders in the selected data source folder
      2. select "Document" to display all folders and documents in the data source folder
  7. Additional Filter Fields
    1. Add any filters in the additional filter fields section
  8. Fields
    1. Select the document library fields to display(we recommend adding the "Name" and "Created By" field)
  9. Page Part Buttons
    1. Select these options to display the Upload and Edit option on the page.
  10. Configure Document Library Folder
    1. If the document library is in an entity portal (Program, Residence, or Individuals portals) there is an additional setting to auto add folders. The instructions to set this up can be found here /wiki/spaces/PI/pages/486506505

You are able to move files in the document library page part using the drag and drop feature.

In An Entity(Individual/Program/Residence) Portal:

In A Non Entity Portal:

Data Source and Fields:

Document Library Page part:

Demo Video


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