Documents PagePart: Set Up and Configuration


This knowledge base article provides you with everything you need to know about Documents PageParts on your ShareVision site. The Documents page part is a useful tool for displaying documents, and their location, on the front-end for users to navigate. Files and Documents can be named and organized in a similar fashion to File Explorer seen on common Operating Systems. 


Before setting up portals on your ShareVision site, you will need to

  • In Site Administration, in View All Lists and Libraries, have a Document Library that you would like to add to a Page. Refer to Document Libraries for more information 
  • In Configure Portal Settings, have added a PagePart to a Page on a Portal
  • Have completed the set up and configuration of the PagePart Name, Accessible on and Display Name (Review PageParts: Set Up and Configuration for more information.)
  • Have developed a plan for the information you want to be made available to your ShareVision users (i.e. Consider what pages you will need for the portals on your site, what type of information will be included on each page and who should have access to each page) 

Important Information

While the Documents PagePart will allow you to add documents to any Page on any Portal on your site, it is important to remember that when images and documents are uploaded to your ShareVision site, the size of your ShareVision database will increase. Each ShareVision subscription includes a maximum database size before overage fees are applied to your annual renewal invoice. 

SubscriptionDatabase Size Included
in the Subscription
Database Size at the Annual Renewal


5 GB

$300/year for each 5 GB (or portion thereof)
~ plus applicable taxes
  • 3.75 GB - no overage fee
  • 6.85 GB - $300 plus applicable taxes
  • 12.25 GB - $600 plus applicable taxes

ShareVision Plus

10 GB
  • 6.35 GB - no overage fee
  • 13.65 GB - $300 plus applicable taxes
  • 18.55 GB - $600 plus applicable taxes

Learn More

To learn more about the Database Size of your ShareVision site including options to help reduce the size, please refer to:

PagePart Type

Select Documents as the Type of PagePart. The Documents PageParts will have this  symbol beside them in Portal Settings for easy recognition.

There is an option to show the document Folder Tree and choose whether it is collapsed and expanded. 

The Folder Tree in the collapsed or expanded format is NOT available on mobile or if the pagepart width is set to 1/3 of the page as there is not adequate room to display this option. 

Data Source

In this section you will decide which Document Library you want to use with the Documents PagePart, you will have the option of picking from any Document Library on your ShareVision site. 


Select one of the available Document lists in the List drop down to link this PagePart to the Document list.

Once a list is selected and the PagePart settings are Saved, a link to the List Settings for the list you selected will be displayed. This link allows you to get to the list settings for the list quickly.

When you select it, a new tab opens and the List Settings for the list will be displayed. 

Content Type

If there is a Content Type on the list, you can select which Content Type you would like linked to this PagePart. If there are no Content Types, the Content Type field will fill automatically and will be set to read only. 

When a list has one or more Content Types, a link to the Content Type settings for the Content Type selected will appear. Just like with the List Settings, if the link is selected the Content Type settings will open in a new tab. 


You have the option to automatically display a specific subfolder and it's contents in the Documents PagePart. If a subfolder is not selected then the top-level folder and its contents will be displayed. 

Additional Filters Fields

In the Additional Filters field, you can add extra filters that you would like used for your Documents PagePart. These additional filters ensure that only the information you want to be viewed is shown. You can use as many or a few as you'd like.When using a date field in Additional Field Filters the date format will match the format of the date field in List Settings.

For example, if you only wanted documents that had been modified in the current year to be displayed in the PagePart, you could set the Additional Field Filter like this:


In the Fields section, select Edit Fields.

Type and Name Fields are locked as they are required for all document Libraries. 

Here you will choose which fields from the list you wish to display on your Documents PagePart. Simply click and drag the fields you wish to use out of the Available Fields box and into PagePart Fields. (Type and Name fields are greyed out as they cannot be removed) 

When you have selected all fields you wish to use, they will appear under the Fields section of the PagePart settings.  

You can rearrange all fields and how the order they are displayed on the page part using the drag and drop method. 

The Fields section allows for certain customizations  

  • Display Title: When this box is left unchecked the Titles (alternative or default) will not be displayed in the PagePart. Only the data will be shown. If the box is checked the Title will be displayed in the PagePart. 

To show the difference we will have the Display Title box unchecked for Name but checked for Title

The Name title above the documents listed in the PagePart will not be displayed, only the document names are shown. 


Properties allows you to set how the PagePart is displayed on the Page. Along with the Item Per Page option of how many Announcements you wish to display per page, there is also a Group FieldSort Fields and Second Sort Field

Group Field

  • Group Field determines how announcements are grouped within the PagePart. An example with announcements is having them grouped by who created them. The announcements will be grouped by who created the announcement(s).
    • The Group Direction allows you to set if the Groups will be displayed or Ascending or Descending order.
    • The Group Field also allows you to display the grouping either Collapsed or Expanded. If collapsed, the user will need to expand each section to read the announcements in the section.

Sort Field  

  • Sort Field sets the sort order for the Announcements on the front end based on a column (field) in the list. A popular Sort Field is Created (date created) to sort Descending which will display newest Announcements at the top of the PagePart. Setting the Sort Field to Ascending will display the oldest Announcements at the top of the PagePart.  

Second Sort Field

  • Second Sort Field allows you to set a second sort order based on a column (field) in the Announcements lists. The sort order can be set to Ascending or Descending.


Allow Drag and Drop

  • When the Allow Drag and Drop checkbox is selected, documents can be moved within the PagePart.

The PagePart Settings is also where you can limit who has access to the Drag and Drop functionality.  Below the button checkbox is the Allow for Selected Groups box, enter the select groups you want to have access and they will be able to use functionality on the PagePart. If no groups are entered in the box, anyone with permission to the PagePart will also be able to use the feature. Note: If a group has it's access removed from the page part, the group will also be removed from having access to the feature. A warning message will appear on the page to show this.

To move a document, simply click and drag the document to its new position. 

If the Document PagePart resides in a Listing Portal there will be Auto-Created Folders. Auto-Created folders cannot be deleted, renamed, or moved. An Auto-Created folder can be identified by hovering over the folders options, it will state This is an Auto-Created Folder.

PagePart Buttons

There are four different PagePart Buttons:

About Deleting Folders, Subfolders or Documents

If users require the abillity to delete Folders, Subfolders or Documents, the following options are available:

Display "New Folder" Button 

For the Display New button to appear on the Documents PagePart, the checkbox needs to be marked in the PagePart settings in Portal Settings. 

The PagePart Settings is also where you can limit who has access to the New Folder button.  Below the button checkbox is the Allow for Selected Groups box, enter the select groups you want to have access and they will be able to use the button on the PagePart. If no groups are entered in the box, anyone with permission to the PagePart will also be able to use the button. Note: If a group has it's access removed from the page part, the group will also be removed from having access to the button. A warning message will appear on the page to show this.

When selected, the Display "New Folder" Button will allow users with access to create additional folders within the selected Document Library.

When creating a folder, you can create a subfolder at the same time by adding a / after the folder name. Anything that is entered after the / will be used to create the subfolder. 

About Special Characters in Folder Names

When a folder name is entered, the system will automatically detect if there are any unsupported characters in the name. If any unsupported characters are detected, the system will automatically remove them and a message will appear below the Folder Name field to explain why the Folder Name was changed:

When you select Save, the folder: Benefits and the subfolder: Health Wellness will be created. Note that the & was removed as it is unsupported. 

Display "Upload Documents" Button

For the Display New button to appear on the Documents PagePart, the checkbox needs to be marked in the PagePart settings in Portal Settings.

The PagePart Settings is also where you can limit who has access to the Upload Documents section.  Below the button checkbox is the Allow for Selected Groups box, enter the select groups you want to have access and they will be able to use the section on the PagePart. If no groups are entered in the box, anyone with permission to the PagePart will also be able to use the Upload Documents section. Note: If a group has it's access removed from the page part, the group will also be removed from having access to the button. A warning message will appear on the page to show this.

When selected, the Display "Upload Documents" Button will provide users with an area where documents can be drag and dropped or selected to be uploaded to your ShareVision site. 

Display "Link to A Document" Button

Only Available for Document Librairies where Link To A Document Is Enabled

This option can only be set up if the Document Library that was selected for this PagePart has the Link to a Document feature enabled. 

If the Document Library selected does not have the Link to a Document feature enabled, a warning message will be displayed in the section for the Link to a Document button 

For the Display New button to appear on the Documents PagePart, the checkbox needs to be marked in the PagePart settings in Portal Settings.

The PagePart Settings is also where you can limit who has access to the Link to a Document button.  Below the button checkbox is the Allow for Selected Groups box, enter the select groups you want to have access and they will be able to use the section on the PagePart. If no groups are entered in the box, anyone with permission to the PagePart will also be able to use the Link to a Document button. Note: If a group has it's access removed from the pagepart, the group will also be removed from having access to the button. A warning message will appear on the page to show this.

Display "Edit" Button

For the Display Edit button to appear on the Documents PagePart, the dropdown selection needs to be set to Edit from Grid in the PagePart settings in Portal Settings.

The PagePart Settings is also where you can limit who has access to the Edit button.  Below the menu dropdown is the Allow for Selected Groups box, enter the select groups you want to have access and they will be able to use the button on the PagePart. If no groups are entered in the box then anyone with permission to the PagePart will also be able to use the Edit button.

When set to "Edit from Grid", a pencil icon will pop up beside the folders in the Document Library, allowing the folders and documents properties to be edited if the user has edit permissions. As these documents have been uploaded, the edit button only allows users to edit the properties of the document such as the Folder name and Document name or other properties like the program the document relates to. 

There are additional options available for different types of documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or PDF).

Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint have similar options when hovering your mouse over the document:

  1. Open the document in the respective Microsoft Program - in this case MS Word.
  2. Download the document.
  3. Edit the document properties.
  4. View version history - if version history has been enabled in the Document Library Settings.
  5. Delete the document.

Note: Some of the options listed above such as Edit and Delete will only be available to users with edit and/or delete permissions.

PDF documents have slightly different selections. If you click on a PDF it will automatically download but if you hover your mouse over the document additional options appear including:

  1. Preview In New Tab: Instead of downloading the PDF to view it, selecting this option will open the PDF in a new browser tab without downloading it.
  2. Check in / Check out option (Only available to user if Check in Settings are enabled)
  3. Download the document.
  4. Edit the document properties.
  5. View version history - if version history has been enabled in the Document Library Settings.
  6. Delete the document.

Note: Some of the options listed above such as Edit and Delete will only be available to users with edit and/or delete permissions.

Display Search Box 

When selected, a search bar will be available at the top of the Document PagePart.

The search bar will allow a user to easily find the document they're looking for.

After successfully searching a document, the document menu will be available when hovering over the selection with the cursor.

PagePart Permissions

PagePart Permissions is where you can choose which groups have access to this PagePart. To add a group, click on their name in the Do Not Have Access box so it is highlighted and then press the arrow button to move them to Have Access.

You can also remove permissions from the PagePart by selecting a group in the Have Access box and selecting the arrow to move the group to the Do Not Have Access Box

If you select the double arrows, it will move all groups in the box under where the double arrows were selected to the box next to it. This can be used to provide access to all groups listed or to remove access from all groups listed. 

Check in - Check out (Documents Library)

In a multi-user environment where lots of people might want to edit a file at the same time, check out is a feature that ensures there is only one current copy of each file. Check Out temporarily stops others editing the document, usually while major changes are being made. 

When a document is checked out the changes made to the document will not be visible until the document is checked back in.  

Path to follow to gain access to the Check in Check out Settings

  • Access the Site Administration Website

  • Access "View All Lists and Libraries

  • Search for the document library you are looking for to enable Check in on select list settings 

  • Select Versioning Settings 

  • To enable the Require Check Out feature, for Require documents to be checked out before they can be edited, select Yes.

Attempting to edit a file properties when the file has been checked out will generate a message at the top of the page 

Options when a document has been checked out (NOTE : Any changes done to the documents through the Save and Edit a copy of the file option, will not be visible on the site until the document is checked in) 

Attempting to edit a file (Within the Microsoft Desktop App) while it is checked out will provide a pop up message indicating that the document is checked out 

  1. Open file in read mode only (Updates being made by the other user will not be visible until the file is checked back in) 
  2. Notify - Receive a notification once the file has been checked back in
  3. Cancel and Return to the previous screen

Notification received ones the files has been checked in and the view only document is still open Attempting to edit a file (Within the Microsoft Desktop App) without checking it out will provide a pop up message indicating that the documents needs to be checked out before editing

  1. Check out and Edit will pop up a window allowing you to update the current version of the doc you have open

Attempting to edit a file (Within the Microsoft Desktop App) without checking it out will provide a pop up message indicating that the documents needs to be checked out before editing

Visual Display of the Check in Check out Option and functionality 

  1. Preview in new tab - Will open a new tab displaying the contents of the document
  2. Download - Download a copy to your local machine
  3. Check In - Release the check out hold, allow others to view changes and edit document
  4. Edit - Edit document properties 

  1. Document check out indicator  - Document has been checked out (Only the individual who has the document checked out can make changes to the document)
  2. Check in  - Check the file in (This option only appears if the file is checked out to the user viewing the list) 


Version History allows you to keep copies of the edited files.  

RECOMENDATION: When turning on versioning history keep in mind the remaining overall database size, as well as how often a file is edited. It is best to limit the number of versions retained. If versioning history is enabled we recommend, choosing only to Create Major Versions as well as limiting the number of major versions saved. (Example provided below) 

PagePart Visibility (Listing Portals only)

If this PagePart is being added to a Page on an Listing Portal like Individuals, Programs or Residences, the PagePart Visibility section will appear in the PagePart settings. To learn more about this section, select one of the links below:

For Standard Portals (non-Listing), this section will not be displayed.

Config Document Folder

  • The Config Document Folder is only available on the Listing Portals on your ShareVision site.
  • This is feature allows you to create folders and configure those folders for all Individuals, Programs or Residences without having to go to each Individual's, Program's or Residence's Document Library.
  • This feature is also available for sites that have subscribed to the Human Resources (HR) Portal add-on.

Below is an example of how the Config Document Folder can be set up for the Individual's Documents on the Individuals Portal.

Adding a Folder to the Individual's Documents for all Individuals

  1. Select the a Documents PagePart on a Page in the Individuals Portal.

  2. Next, in the PagePart Settings, select the down arrow on the Individual Documents button.

  3. Then, select the Config Document Folder.

  4. The Document Library Config will open. On the left hand side, you can enter a Folder Name and then select Add New Folder. This will automatically create a folder in each Individual's Documents without having to open each Individuals' Documents and add a folder.

    About Special Characters in Folder Names

    When a folder name is entered, the system will automatically detect if there are any unsupported characters in the name: 

    If any unsupported characters are detected, the system will automatically remove them and a message will appear below the Folder Name field to explain why the Folder Name was changed:

  5. A window letting you know that the folder as successfully created will appear. Select Close.

  6. The new folder will appear in the list of folders on the right hand side. 
  7. By default, the folder is Inactive. This folder will not be added to all Individuals Documents Document Library until it is set to Active.

    Create a Folder and Subfolder at the Same Time

    You can create a Folder and Subfolder at the same time. If you add a / after the folder name and then enter the subfolder name, it create a folder and subfolder. 

    1. When adding the folder name, enter a / at the end of it and then enter the subfolder name: 

    2. After selecting: Add New Folder, the new folder and subfolder will be listed under the Document Library on the right side: 

    3. Once the new folder and subfolder as set to Active, they will be displayed in the Document Library: 

Setting a Folder to Active

  1. To make the folder Active so that it is added to every Individuals Documents Document Library, check the Is Active checkbox.
  2. When you check the box, a message letting you know that the Folder has been successfully activated will appear.
  3. Select Close

Editing a Folder Name

  1. You can edit a Folder Name by selecting the Pencil button.
  2. Edit the Folder Name.
  3. Select Save.
  4. A window letting you know that the folder update was successful will appear.
  5. Select Close.

Deleting a Folder

  1. To delete a folder, select the X button.

    Only folders with no documents will be deleted on the front end. Any folder with documents will remain on your ShareVision site after it has been deleted, this is by design to avoid the documents within being accidentally deleted along with the folder.

  2. You will need to confirm that you want to delete the folder. Select OK to proceed with the deletion or Cancel to abandon the deletion.

Return to Portal Settings

  1. To return to Portal Settings, select the Gear icon on the right side of the window.

About the Automatic Folder Security Add-on Feature

The Automatic Folder Security add-on feature extends the ability to have folders automatically created in Individuals or Services Documents. Additional settings allow Site Administrators to configure which security groups can view, add and delete folder contents. Please select a link below to learn more:

Please note:

  • The Automatic Folder Security Add-on Feature is included with ShareVision Plus subscriptions.
  • For ShareVision subscriptions, this add-on feature can be added to your ShareVision site for an annual fee ($249 plus applicable taxes). Please reach out to to learn more.