Announcements PagePart: Set Up and Configuration

Announcements PagePart: Set Up and Configuration


This knowledge base article provides you with everything you need to know about setting up and configuring an Announcements PagePart on your ShareVision site.


Before setting up an Announcement PagePart on your ShareVision site, you will need to

  • Login with ShareVision Administrator permissions 
  • In Site Administration, in View All Lists and Libraries, have an Announcement List that you would like to add to a Page.
  • In Configure Portal Settings, have added a PagePart to a Page on a Portal
  • Have completed the set up and configuration of the PagePart Name, Accessible on and Display Name (Review PageParts: Set Up and Configuration for more information.)
  • Have developed a plan for the information you will need to be made available to your ShareVision users (i.e. Consider what pages you will need for the portals on your site, what type of information will be included on each page and who should have access to each page) 

PagePart Type

Select Announcements as the Type of PagePart. The Announcement PageParts will have a megaphone symbol beside them in Portal Settings for easy recognition.

Data Source


Select one of the Announcement lists in the List drop down to link this PagePart to the Announcement list.

Once a list is selected and the PagePart settings are Saved, a link to the List Settings for the list you selected will be displayed. This link allows you to get to the list settings for the list quickly.

When you select it, a new tab opens and the List Settings for the list will be displayed. 

Content Type

If there is a Content Type on the list, you can select which Content Type you would like linked to this PagePart. If there are no Content Types, the Content Type field will fill automatically and will be set to read only. 

When a list has one or more Content Types, a link to the Content Type settings for the Content Type selected will appear. Just like with the List Settings, if the link is selected the Content Type settings will open in a new tab. 

Current Staff Field

  1. The Current Staff Field will appear in the Data Source section if there is a Person or Group column (field) on the list. You can select the field on the form to autofill with the name of the logged in user who created the new form. If there are multiple Person or Group columns (fields) on the list, you can only select one field.  

  2. By checking the Lock value checkbox next to the Current Staff Field, when users add or edit an announcement, they will not be able to change the name in the Staff field.


To test a form where the Current Staff Field is locked, do not use an user account that has Site Administrator access. The Current Staff Field on the form will not be locked for user accounts that have Site Administrator access.

Listing Portal Form Filters (Listing Portals only)

If this PagePart is being added to a Page on an Listing Portal like Individuals, Programs or Residences, the Listing Portal Form Filters section will appear in the PagePart settings. To learn more about this section, select one of the links below:

For Standard Portals (non-Listing), this section will not be displayed.

Additional Filters Fields

In the Additional Filters Fields, you can add extra filters that you would like used for your Announcement PagePart. A popular additional filter for announcements is filtering for expiry date to ensure all displayed announcements are current. To do this, select Expires under Field, for Comparison select is greater than, then select the value you'd like, such as [Today]to have your PagePart display announcements that have an expiry date after the current date. When using a date field in Additional Field Filters, the date format will match the format of the date field in List Settings.

Filters ensure only the information you want to be viewed is shown. You can use as many or a few as you'd like. To add additional filters, select Add Another Filter.


Properties allows you to set how the PagePart is displayed on the Page. Along with the Item Per Page option of how many Announcements you wish to display per page, there is also a Group FieldSort Fields and Second Sort Field

Group Field

  • Group Field determines how announcements are grouped within the PagePart. An example with announcements is having them grouped by who created them. The announcements will be grouped by who created the announcement(s).
    • The Group Direction allows you to set if the Groups will be displayed or Ascending or Descending order.
    • The Group Field also allows you to display the grouping either Collapsed or Expanded. If collapsed, the user will need to expand each section to read the announcements in the section.

Sort Field  

  • Sort Field sets the sort order for the Announcements on the front end based on a column (field) in the list. A popular Sort Field is Created (date created) to sort Descending which will display newest Announcements at the top of the PagePart. Setting the Sort Field to Ascending will display the oldest Announcements at the top of the PagePart.  

Second Sort Field

  • Second Sort Field allows you to set a second sort order based on a column (field) in the Announcements lists. The sort order can be set to Ascending or Descending.


PagePart Buttons

There are seven buttons you can configure on the Announcements PagePart. The settings for buttons apply to all announcements that will be displayed in the PagePart.  The seven buttons include:

Display "New" Button 

There are 3 options for displaying the New button:

  • Never: No button to add a new announcement is displayed on the PagePart.
  • Only if no items: The button to add a new announcement will only appear when there are no announcements displayed on the PagePart
  • Always: The button to add a new announcement is always displayed on the PagePart. 

In the field next to the drop down list for displaying the "New" button, you can change the label that appears next to the Add  button.
The default label is: Add New Item  

You can change the label. For example, you could change it to: Add New Announcement

If you would like to remove the label so that only the button appears, remove the text from the box. 

You can allow the Display New Button only be visible for certain groups by adding the permitted groups to the Allow for Selected Group(s)section when setting up the PagePart. Only groups which have access to the PagePart will appear for selection. Note: If a group has it's access removed from the PagePart, the group will also be removed from having access to the button. A warning message will appear on the page to show this.

You can set the Position of the New Button. It can be Above (at the top of the PagePart), Below (at the bottom of the PagePart), or both Above and Below (at the top and the bottom of the PagePart).

Display "Edit" Button

There are four options for editing announcements:

  • Do Not Allow Editing: The Edit button will not appear on the Display Form and announcements cannot be edited. 
  • Edit From Grid: The Edit Button will appear on the Grid of announcements and can be edited directly from the pagepart.
  • Edit From Display Form: The Edit button will appear on the Display Form and announcements can be edited.
  • Edit From Both: The Edit Button appears from the Grid and from the Display Form and can edit from either location.

You can allow the Edit Button only be visible for certain groups by adding the permitted groups to the Allow for Selected Group(s)section when setting up the PagePart. Only groups which have access to the PagePart will appear for selection

Disable "Display" Form

When the Disable "Display" Form checkbox is checked, users will not be able to select the Announcement Title to view the Announcement on the Display Form.

You can allow the Announcements Display Form to be available for certain groups by adding the permitted groups to the Allow for Selected Group(s)section when setting up the PagePart. 

Display "Show Attachments" Button

When the Display "Show Attachments" Button checkbox is checked, users will be able to see and click announcement attachments from the PagePart announcement without having to go into the display form. If the attachment is a picture, mousing over the attachment will display the photo. Clicking an attachment will download it.

You can allow the Show Attachments Button only be visible for certain groups by adding the permitted groups to the Allow for Selected Group(s) section when setting up the PagePart. 

Display "Comment" Button

The Comment Button gives the option to allow users to comment on Announcements. The Display "Comment" options allow the ShareVision Administrator to select if and where the Comment button should be displayed. When enabled, users can leave a comment on each Announcement. The comments can be viewed by all users.  Also, when this feature is enabled, all users can view all comments that have been added to an Announcement by selecting the Comments Button which will be automatically added to the Announcements when the Display "Comment" checkbox is checked.

 Scroll to the bottom of this article to view a video of how this feature works.

Display "Read" Button

The Mark as Read Button allows users to select it to indicate that they have read an Announcement. The Display "Read" Button options allow the ShareVision Administrator to select if and where the Mark As Read Button appears at the bottom of each Announcement. All users can view who marked an Announcement as read by selecting the Read Button which will be automatically added to the Announcements when the Display "Read" Button checkbox is checked.

 Scroll to the bottom of this article to view a video of how this feature works.

Additional Comment and Mark As Read Settings

Additional settings for both the Comment and Mark as Read features can be configured by the ShareVision Site Administrator in Feature Settings. These additional settings are site wide and when enabled, any pagepart where Mark As Read and/or Comments have been enabled will have these settings applied

Display "Copy" Button on Forms

When the Display "Copy" Button on Forms checkbox is checked, the copy button will appear on the Announcement Display Form.

To learn more about Copying Forms: Forms - Copy Form and Copy Field Configuration

PagePart Permissions

When you add a New PagePart to a Page, PagePart Permissions will not be displayed. This section will appear only after you have Saved the PagePart

PagePart Permissions is where you can choose which groups have access to this PagePart. By default, all Groups that have Permissions to the Page will be automatically granted access to the PagePart.

To remove access to a Group, select the Group name in the Have Access box and then select the single arrow above the list to move the Group to the Do Not Have Access

To provide access to a Group, click on the Group name in the Do Not Have Access box and then select the single arrow button above the list to move them to Have Access.

PagePart Visibility (Listing Portals only)

If this PagePart is being added to a Page on an  Listing Portal like Individuals, Programs or Residences, the PagePart Visibility section will appear in the PagePart settings. To learn more about this section, select one of the links below:

For Standard Portals (non-Listing), this section will not be displayed.

How To Video: Announcements PagePart - Mark As Read and Comments

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