Chart PagePart: Set Up and Configuration


This knowledge base article provides you with everything you need to know about a Chart PagePart on your ShareVision site.The Charts PagePart is a feature which can be used to create visual representations of list data on your ShareVision site. This is a useful way to get quick insight on trends occurring and to monitor events over time


Before setting up portals on your ShareVision site, you will need to

  • Login with ShareVision Administrator permissions 
  • Have set up some lists in Site Administration that you'd like to use for a chart
  • Have developed a plan for the information will need to be made available to your ShareVision users (i.e. Consider what pages you will need for the portals on your site, what type of information will be included on each page and who should have access to each page) 

PagePart Type

Select Chart as the Type of PagePart. The Chart PageParts will have a pie chart  symbol beside them in Portal Settings for easy recognition.

Data Source

In this section, you will decide where you want to pull the data from for your chart. You can select any list on your ShareVision site. Keep in mind you will want to use a list that has data compatible with making a chart.

Listing Portal Form Filters (Listing Portals only)

If this PagePart is being added to a Page on an Listing Portal like Individuals, Programs or Residences, the Listing Portal Form Filters section will appear in the PagePart settings. To learn more about this section, select one of the links below:

For Standard Portals (non-Listing), this section will not be displayed.

The chart below is an example of Jimmy Anderson's spending breakdown by category which can be set up on the Individuals Portal using the Listing Portal Form Filters.

Additional Filters Fields

In the Additional Filters field, you can add extra filters that you would like used for your Chart PagePart. These additional filters ensure that only the information you want to be viewed is shown. You can use as many or a few as you'd like. When using a date field in Additional Field Filters the date format will match the format of the date field in List Settings.

For instance, in the above chart, you could use the Additional Filters Fields to display only categories that are expenses by setting the filter as follows: 

Chart Settings

There are three different charts available for you to choose:

Each chart has a slightly different settings configuration.

Pie Chart

The Pie Chart is the simplest chart in terms of settings configuration.

  • You have the option to add a Chart Title and Chart Description if wanted.

  • You must select a List Column, which is the primary column from the list that you wish the  chart to use.
  • The Legend Position indicates where you want the legend in relation to the graph. You can select: Top, Bottom, Left, Right, None, or Labeled. 

Bar Chart

The Bar Chart has slightly more settings options than the Pie Chart.

  • You have the option to add a Chart Title and Chart Description if you'd like.
  • The Group By selection is how the chart will group your horizontal axis data, either by a time increment selected (day, month, year) or by a list number column.
  • The first List Column shown under chart settings is where you'll pick the column from the list that the chart should use for the horizontal axis (x-axis). The list columns which will appear in this dropdown menu will be all list date fields. If the "Group By" above is set to "Value" the dropdown will then display Single and multi-line text columns, lookup columns and choice columns.
  • Next is Calculation. If the data source list has a column of the type (numbers) this option becomes available to chose the calculation performed on the list data before displaying it on the vertical axis(below). You can select Sum, Average, or Count. If the data source list does not have a numbers column this option will default to only displaying the count of each item in the horizontal axis.
  • The second List Column shown is where you'll choose the column from the list that the chart should use for the vertical axis (y-axis).

Line Chart

The Line Chart has a similar settings configuration to the Bar Chart. 

  • You have the option to add a Chart Title and Chart Description if you'd like
  • Group By is how the chart will group your horizontal axis data. You can select it be grouped by the Day, the Month, or the Year.
  • The first List Column shown under Chart Settings is where you'll pick the column from the list that the chart should use for the horizontal axis (x-axis).
  • Next is Calculation. If the data source list has a column of the type (numbers) this option becomes available to chose the calculation performed on the list data before displaying it on the vertical axis(below). You can select Sum, Average, or Count. If the data source list does not have a numbers column this option will default to only displaying the count of each item in the horizontal axis.
  • The second List Column option is where you'll pick the column from the list that the chart should use for the vertical axis (y-axis)

Please find an example of a line chart below.

PagePart Permissions

PagePart Permissions is where you can choose which groups have access to this PagePart. To add a group, click on their name in the Do Not Have Access box so it is highlighted and then press the arrow button to move them to Have Access.

You can also remove permissions from the PagePart by selecting a group in the Have Access box and selecting the arrow to move the group to the Do Not Have Access Box

If you select the double arrows, it will move all groups in the box under where the double arrows were selected to the box next to it. This can be used to provide access to all groups listed or to remove access from all groups listed. 

PagePart Visibility (Listing Portals only)

If this PagePart is being added to a Page on an Listing Portal like Individuals, Programs or Residences, the PagePart Visibility section will appear in the PagePart settings. To learn more about this section, select one of the links below:

For Standard Portals (non-Listing), this section will not be displayed.