Mark as Read and Comments Use Case

Mark as Read and Comments Use Case

Applies To Version(s): 4 (including upgraded sites)


In Version 4, this feature can be set up to provide similar functionality to the Staff Communication Log. The benefit is that you can set it up on any list on any portal. By using the Mark as Read and Comments features on a list, you can easily track which users have read and allow them to add comments to any list item.


Setting Up the Mark as Read Feature

You will first need to enable the Mark as Read feature on the List PagePart on the list that you want to keep track which users have read it. 

  1. In Site Administration, select Configure Portal Settings in the Portals and Pages section:
  2. Select the Portal where the List PagePart is located. In this example, we will use the Health and Safety Portal.

  3. Select the page where the PagePart is located. In this example, we will select the Safety Bulletins Page: 

    This page and pagepart were added to this site as an example of how the Health and Safety Portal can be set up. They are not included in the Health and Safety Add-on Feature.

  4. Next, select the PagePart for the list that you want to track. In this example, the Safety Bulletins PagePart will be selected: 

  5. In the PagePart settings, select PagePart Buttons to expand the section: 
  6. In the PagePart Buttons section, select where you would like the Mark as Read button by making a selection for Display "Read" button 

  7. Scroll down and select Save. 

  8. The Mark as Read Button feature is now ready to be used on your ShareVision site. 

Setting Up the Comment Feature

You will first need to enable the Comment feature on the List PagePart on the list that you want to keep track which users have read it. 

  1. In Site Administration, select Configure Portal Settings in the Portals and Pages section:
    1. Select the page where the PagePart is located. In this example, we will select the Safety Bulletins Page: 

    2. Next, select the PagePart for the list that you want to track. In this example, the Safety Bulletins PagePart will be selected: 

    3. In the PagePart settings, select PagePart Buttons to expand the section: 
    4. In the PagePart Buttons section, select where you would like the Comment button by making a selection for Display "Comment" button 

    5. Scroll down and select Save. 

    6. The Comment feature is now ready to be used on your ShareVision site. 

Additional Settings

As a ShareVision Site Administrator, you can enable additional settings. Please refer to the Mark As Read and Comments Settings section of the Feature Settings knowledge base article for more details. 

Using the Mark as Read and Comment Features

These two features can be used on the grid, on the form or on both. In this example, Show On Both was selected.

Using these Features on the Grid

  1. Navigate to the grid view of the list on your site where you have enabled these features:
  2. Select (click on) the Respond to this item button: 
  3. To mark the item as read, select Mark as Read
  4. Confirm that you want to mark this item as read by selecting: Mark as Read? on the message that appears. Or, select Cancel so that the item isn't marked as read:
  5. If you previously marked the item as read, it will be grayed out and you won't be able to select it: 
  6. You can view how many people have marked an item as read by the number in the round brackets next to Read: 
  7. To add a comment to an item, select the Comment option: 
  8. Add the comment in the window that appears: 
  9. Confirm that you want to add the comment by selecting: Save. Or, select Cancel and the comment will not be saved.

  10. You can view how many comments have been added to an item by the number in the round brackets next to Comments: 
  11. If you select the Comments(1) option, you can view the comments that have been added to the item: 
  12. To close the window, select Close

  13. If you would like to add a comment, select Add Comment
  14. Add your comment and select Save:
  15. Your comment will be displayed in the Comments window: 
  16. If your ShareVision Site Administrator has enabled the Edit and/or Delete features for Comments, when you mouse over any comment you have added to an item, the buttons will be displayed: 

    Your ShareVision Site Administrator can also set up deleting comments for specific users. For example, managers can be given permissions on your ShareVision site to delete comments added by any user. More information about this option can be found in the Feature Settings knowledge base article.

Using these Features on the Form

  1. Navigate to the grid view of the list on your site where you have enabled these features:
  2. Select (click on) the item in the grid that you woud like to respond to: 
  3. The form will be displayed. To mark the item as read, select Mark as Read
  4. Confirm that you want to mark this item as read by selecting: Mark as Read? on the message that appears. Or, select Cancel so that the item isn't marked as read:
  5. If you previously marked the item as read, it will be grayed out and you won't be able to select it: 
  6. You can view how many people have marked an item as read by the number in the round brackets next to Read: 
  7. To add a comment to an item, select the Comment option: 
  8. Add the comment in the window that appears: 
  9. You can view how many comments have been added to an item by the number in the round brackets next to Comments: 
  10. If you select the Comments(1) option, you can view the comments that have been added to the item: 
  11. To close the window, select Close

  12. If you would like to add a comment, select Add Comment
  13. Add your comment and select Save:

  14. Your comment will be displayed in the Comments window: 
  15. If your ShareVision Site Administrator has enabled the Edit and/or Delete features for Comments, when you mouse over any comment you have added to an item, the buttons will be displayed: 

    Your ShareVision Site Administrator can also set up deleting comments for specific users. For example, managers can be given permissions on your ShareVision site to delete comments added by any user. More information about this option can be found in the Feature Settings knowledge base article.

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