Human Resources (HR) Portal Add-On

Human Resources (HR) Portal Add-On

Applies To Version(s): 4 - Add-on: Contact Customer Success or a ShareVision Product Expert to order.

About - Human Resources

The Human Resources (HR) Portal is a proprietary portal of pages for information management relating to your employees.

As with information management for Individuals, the Human Resources Portal has a listing page of all Employees that each have a Details page (and others) which filters list data sourced from lists for the particular Employee in focus.


Human Resources Portal Landing Page

For ease of finding a particular employee, the HR Portal Employee List page has radio button filter controls to filter

  • all employees that have had information tracked within ShareVision.
  • Active (currentemployees within your organization.
  • Inactive (past) employees of your organization.

This filtering is determined by whether the employee's item in the Profiles - User list has a value for the Termination Date column.

Clicking or tapping the Employee row  in the table will take you to the Employee's Details Page.

User with access to the HR portal will also have access to their own employee record

Add New Employee 

ShareVision users who have access to the Human Resources Portal and that are in the GRP Site Administrators Security Group can add a new employee from the HR Portal. 

  1. On the HR Portal Landing Page, select Add New Employee
  2. When Add New Employee is selected, the Add New Employee form in Site Administration will be displayed.
  3. To complete adding a new employee, please refer to the Adding a New Employee (User) article.

Human Resources Portal Pages

The Human Resources Portal comes with several default pages that ShareVision has recognized as beneficial to organizations. The pages are: Employee Details, Employee Certifications, Employee Documents, Employee Vacation Schedule, and Master Vacation Schedule 

As with any Portal on your ShareVision Site, the Pages and PageParts you choose to display are completely configurable to your organizations specific needs. You can add your own Pages and PageParts and hide the unneeded default Pages and PageParts shown in the Human Resources (HR) Portal by using the Pages: Set Up and Configuration and PageParts: Set Up and Configuration Knowledge Base Articles.

Employee Details

The Employee Details page is a snapshot of the important information the organization would need to know for each employee - contact information, jobs within the organization, training certifications and any important notes relating to the employee. 

The Employee Details page contains a several PageParts, each PagePart is responsible for capturing an aspect of the employee details;

  • Employee Information information sourced from the list Profiles - Users 
  • Employee History sourced from the list Employee History
  • Employee Training information sourced from the list Employee Training
  • Employee Notes information sourced from the list Employee Notes

Employee Certifications

The Employee Certifications Page allows you to list all certifications an employee has acquired - First Aid, Drivers License, and Food Safe are all examples of certifications that can be listed. Once a certification has been entered, you have the ability to alert users of expiration and renewals required by configuring the Email Alert Manager (Email Alerts) (EAM). 

Employee Documents

A Document Library which, on first visiting the page, will create a folder with the Employee's name in the Employee Documents library. From this point on the page link will directly open this Employee named folder for documents to be up or downloaded from. Like the individuals and services document libraries, folder can be auto created folders for all employee using the "Config Document Library Folders" setting in the Employee documents page part settings. For more information on using a document library, please read the

Employee Vacation Schedule

An Employee can request time off through a page 'Time Off Requests' in the Employee Services portal. A manager can visit the Managers Portal page 'Time-off Requests' to see the request and approve or decline applications.

To approve or deny a time off request, click on the request you'd like to change the status of and press edit - this will put the request form into edit mode. Next, in the Approval Status column select Approved or Rejected from the drop-down menu then click Save

Who Can Access the HR Portal 

The Human Resources Portal contains sensitive information that most employees should not be able to access, permission should only be granted to those necessary. By default all Site Administrators have access to everything on your ShareVision site - including the HR Portal. 

Other groups that have access to employee information in the HR Portal are the Manager and Supervisor groups. Each manager and supervisor will have access to the employees they manage or supervise - this information is entered in the employee's Employee Information. Looking at Jane Smith's information below, her manager Jerome Lerageaux would have access to her information in the HR Portal


If groups other than the Site Administrators, Managers, and Supervisors need access to the HR Portal this can be set up through Site Administration. 

  1. Login to ShareVision with a user account that has Site Administrator permissions. 
  2. Select the gear in the upper right hand corner and then select Site Administration:
  3. When prompted, enter your ShareVision Administrator username and password and select Sign In.
  4. In Site Administration, select Configure Portal Settings under Portals and Pages                                                                           
  5. Select the HR Portal                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
  6. Move the groups you'd like to have permission to the HR portal to the box labelled 'Have Permission'                               
  7. Press Save. The selected groups will now have access to the HR Portal, they will not yet have access to the employees in the portal. 

About Providing Access to Staff

If you provide a security group that includes staff user accounts to the HR Portal permissions, when a staff person who is not in a manager or supervisor security group access the portal, they will only be able to view their information. Some organizations find it helpful to provide access to staff so that they can update their information and fill in forms such as Employee Certifications, Vacation Request Forms, Emergency Contact Information, Banking / Direct Deposit Details, etc. If there are specific pages or page parts that you don't want staff to have access to, you can adjust the permissions on the page(s) and/or page part(s).

Who can see Employees in the HR Portal

There may be situations where a ShareVision Admin that has default access to the Portal should not be able to see the employees or you'd like to give another group access to the Employee Information in the HR Portal. Permission to view the employees and their information can be configured in Site Administration

  1. Login to ShareVision with a user account that has Site Administrator permissions. 
  2. Select the gear in the upper right hand corner and then select Site Administration:
  3. When prompted, enter your ShareVision Administrator username and password and select Sign In.
  4. In Site Administration, select Feature Settings under Features and Utilities                                                                 
  5. Click the Human Resource Portal                                                                                                                                                                          
  6. Add the groups who need access to the employee information to the 'These Groups can see all Employees" box by using the arrows or double clicking on the selected groups. 
  7. If you would like the managers and supervisors to have access to their own records, check the box.
  8. Select Save to save the changes.

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