Communication Log (Comm Log) Keywords Feature

Communication Log (Comm Log) Keywords Feature

Applies To Version(s): 4 - Add-on: Contact Sales or a ShareVision Product Expert to order.


The Communication Log Keywords allows you to tag a Communication Log entry with keywords. Users can then search for those keywords to find Communication Log entries. 

Communication Log Keyword Feature Requirements

  • You must be subscribed to this add-on.

  • You must have enabled Keywords in the Communication Log Feature Settings.
  • Keywords must be added to the Communication Log in order for them to be added to a Communication Log entry.
  • For users to search for a keyword, the keyword must have been added to at least one Communication Log entry.

How to Enable and Setup the Communication Log Keywords Feature

The Communication Log Keywords Feature must first be enabled in Site Administrator >> Feature Settings.

Your organization may want to allow certain (or all) Staff Users to create Comm Log posts to staff within their own Service.

  1. Logged in as a Site Administrator, select the gear icon in the upper right corner and select: Site Administration

  2. When prompted, enter your ShareVision Administrator username and password.
  3. In Site Administration, select Feature Settings in the Features and Utilities section.

  4. Click on Communication Log.

  5. Scroll down to the Enable Keywords check box and check the box.

  6. In the Keyword(s) section, you can add Keywords that will then be available for users to select when they are adding a new Communication Log entry. Enter a Keyword and select the Add button. You can also Edit or Delete existing Keywords.

  7. If you would like to allow the creation of new Keywords for specific Groups when they are adding a new Communication Log Entry, add the Group(s) that will be allowed to create new keywords to the right side by selecting the Group(s) on the left and using the arrows to grant them access to adding Keywords

    • When users add new Keyword(s), these words are available to all users and will be listed in the Keyword(s) section (see #6 above).

    • To prevent all users from being able to create new Keywords when they are adding a new Communication Log Entry, remove all Group(s) from Allow creation of new Keywords by the groups below

  8. Remember to Save your changes.

How-to Video

Staff User Guide

Selecting an Existing Keyword When Adding a New Communication Log Entry

When Adding a New Communication Log Entry, you can select one or more Keyword(s) from the list.

  1. When adding a new Communication Log entry, click on the Keyword(s) field, and the list of existing Keyword(s) will be displayed:

  2. Select a Keyword from the list. In the example below, behaviour is selected: 

  3. Once a keyword is selected, it will appear in the Keyword(s) list. It will have a box around it with an 'x'. Select the 'x' to remove the word from the Keyword(s) list. You can also add an additional keyword by selecting another keyword from the list.

  4. The new keyword will also appear in the Keyword(s) field with a box around it and an 'x'. 

  5. Continue filling in the Communication Log Entry and select Add Log when you are ready to save it. The Communication Log Entry will be saved with the keyword(s) selected. 

Adding a New Keyword to the List of Keywords 

Where permitted by the Site Administrator, you can add a new keyword to the list of keywords.

  1. To add a new keyword to the list of Keyword(s), type the word you would like to add in the Keyword(s) field. 

  2. Then, press Enter.

  3. The word will now be added to the Keyword(s) list and will be available for all users to select. 

Searching existing Communication Log Entries by Keyword

Once Communication Log Entries have been added with Keyword(s) tagged, those Keyword(s) become searchable when viewing Communication Log Entries.

  1. When you go to the View Comm Log link in the Quick Start menu, the View Comm Log page will open and all Communication Log Entries will be listed.

  2. To filter the Communication Log Entries by Keyword(s), make a selection in the Keyword field. 

    Only Keyword(s) that have been added to Communication Log Entries will be available when selecting a Keyword to filter the list of Communication Log Entries on the View Comm Log page.

  3. Select Search.

  4. The screen will refresh and the Communication Log Entries that were tagged with the Keyword selected will be displayed.

How-to Video

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