Contacts and Relationships Wizard

Contacts and Relationships Wizard

Add-on: Contact your ShareVision Product Expert to order.


Generally in ShareVision all contacts and relationships are managed through the Contact Manager which is only accessible to a select group of users. Some organizations prefer to allow others including managers, supervisors, or even front line staff to make changes to contacts which is exactly what the Contact and Relationships Wizard does. Once the add-on is installed, links will appear on the contacts page accessible from the individual details site for users that have permission which will allow them to edit contact and/or relationship information for that individual. 

Edit a Relationship

To edit an existing relationship for an individual contact, click the edit link in the left pane next to the contact whose relationship you'd like to change. On the resulting page select the checkbox next to the new relationship then click OK to save your changes. 

Edit a Contact

To edit an existing contact, first click on the Contacts name on the left to reveal the contact details in the right pane(s). Next click the edit link at the bottom of the contact information you'd like to edit. This will open that contacts profile so you edit the details. Remember that different profile types contain different columns. Once you have finished making your changes click OK to save your changes. 

Add a New Relationship or Contact

To add a new relationship or contact click the add new relationship link at the bottom of the left pane. A search screen will open allowing you to search for an existing contact. Type the first or last name of the contact you are looking for and then click the search button. If you want to add a new contact you still need to search first to make sure the contact does not exist yet in the contact manager. 

Adding a relationship to an existing contact

On the search result screen click the Add Relationship link next to the contact you would like to add a relationship to. A new relationship screen will appear where you can choose the type of relationship between the individual you were working with and the contact you chose. Click OK to save your changes. 

Adding a new contact

On the search results screen click on of the create new links under the search results box for each contact type. For example, if you would like to add a new professional, click the create new professional contact link. This will kick off the add contact wizard followed by a page where you can add a relationship to your individual. To learn more about adding a new contact and the various types of contacts click here.

Getting Here

Start from the individual details page for the individual you'd like to change the contact or relationship information for. 

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