Form Help Content Add-On

Applies To Version(s): 3, 3.5 & 3.7 Add-on: Contact your ShareVision Product Expert to order.

Overview - Form Help Content Add-On

The ShareVision Form Help Content Add-on enables site administrators and users to create explanatory help text, images and hyperlinks (Help Content) to assist users in completing forms.

Help Content can be placed at the top of the form and/or as a pop-up (when hovering over theicon) for selected columns.

A ShareVision list [FormHelp] is installed on your site for configuration purposes.

For ease of Form Help Content configuration, it is suggested that you have two browser tabs of your site open - one tab with the form you wish to add Help Content to and another tab with [FormHelp] open to add new items.

Getting Here - Form Help Content Add-On

Adding/Editing Form Help Content

To add/edit/delete Form Help content: Go to Site Actions > View All Site Content > Under Lists find Form Help Configuration. This list displays all the Help Content that have been created.   

Viewing Help Content In a Form

To view Help Content in a particular form:

  1. For Administrators: Site Actions > View All Site Content > Select a list OR
  2. For site Users: a filter page or list page linked through the QuickLaunch /QuickStart

Click 'New'/'Add New' to create a new item. Any Help Content that is configured for this form will display in the new item form.

You will only see Form Help Content when either creating a new item or editing an existing item. Help Content does not display when viewing an item.


Creating Form Help Content: Top of a Form

  1. Navigate to Site Actions > View All Site Content> lists= [Form Help Configuration ] and click 'New'
  2. Select {List}
  3. Select {Content Type Name} - the form you wish to add the Help Content to.
  4. Do not select {Field name.
  5. Enter/add text, images and hyperlinks required for Help Content in {Help Text}.
  6. Click 'OK'.
  7. Refresh the browser tab displaying the new item form to see the result.

Creating Form Help Content: Pop-Up for a Specific Column

  1. Follow the same steps as creating Help Content at the top of a form but also select a {Field Name} to place the Help Content for a particular field/column.

Form Help Content - Form View

A field can have multiple Help Content items and will display as multipleicons.

Try to keep the text size readable and the same font styles for a cleaner look to your site

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