Anonymous Survey Site Add-on

Applies To Version(s): 3, 3.5, 3.7, 3.7Essentials - Add-on: Contact your ShareVision Product Expert to order.


The Anonymous Survey Site Add-on allows administrators to set up surveys in ShareVision that can be filled out by people without having to log on to the system. A link to the survey would be sent in email and any person with that link would be able to fill out the form. This can be useful for internal surveys as well where you want employees to feel confident that their answers are truly anonymous. Surveys on this site can also be set to require that staff log in before filling out the form.

To use the Anonymous Survey Site Add-on

  • You must have purchased this add-on.

  • You must have a user account to login to respond to some surveys.
  • A respondent needs a link to visit online to respond to a survey.
  • A site user must have security permissions granted to create Surveys and manage the sub-site (usually Site Administrator level).

Installation Notes

When the Anonymous Survey Site Add-on is installed there will be a new sub-site available via

Site Actions > View All Site Content

How to Create a New Survey

  1. Log onto your ShareVision site as a site administrator and navigate to your survey sub site, usually located at your.sharevision.domain/survey.

  2. Site Actions → Create.

  3. Choose either a survey or custom list - either can be used but a survey will enable branching logic where variation of response to a question will determine the next question presented. Custom list data is easier to report on or work with in Excel but Surveys have built in “graphical summary” pages.

  4. Create your list or survey. For more information about how to do either of these see: Create a New List. Once your list or survey form looks the way you want it, the new “survey” is ready to be configured and shared.

How to Configure a Survey For People to Respond

  1. Logged in as a Site Administrator, go to Site Actions → View All Site Content and then click on the Anonymous Survey Site Add-on list called “Configuration”.

  2. In th650pxe 'All items' view of the Configuration list, click the New button on the toolbar.

  3. Fill out the resulting form with these columns: 

    1. Start Date: the link to this survey will not appear on the Survey Site’s home page until this date.

    2. End Date: the link to this survey will stop appearing on the Survey Site’s home page after this date.

    3. Link Name: the text that will appear on the home page linking to this survey.

    4. Survey: choose which list or survey on this site we are configuring

    5. Thank You Page Text: text that will appear on the thank you page which the user will see after filling out the survey.

    6. Show Answers: if checked, shows the user their answers to the survey questions on the thank you page.

    7. Show Edit Link: if checked, shows a link to let the user edit their response on the thank you page.

    8. Show For:

      1. Anonymous: if you want this survey to show up only for anonymous users (not logged on).

      2. Staff: if you want this survey to show up only for Staff Users (required to login).

    9. Final Landing Page: enter the URL to a page you want the user to end up on after clicking done on the thank you page. Leaving this blank will land the user on the homepage of the survey site.

    10. Hide Link: checking this box will keep the link from appearing on the survey site home page but the survey will still be active.

Sending the Link to Your Survey

  1. To get the link you will need to send to people that you wish to be able to respond to your new survey, find your survey in the Configuration list and click “View” in the appropriate row.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the resulting screen and find the link next to the column heading “Email Link”. Select and copy the link (CTRL-C) and paste it where needed.

Survey Site - Editing the Homepage Text




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