Contacts Tab v. 3.5 & 3.7

Applies To Version(s): 3, 3.5

About- Contacts Tab

The Contacts tab is home to the Contact Manager, where all contacts can be entered and managed.  Employee names and emails are stored and managed in the User Information list found in People and Groups. Employee profiles are created separately and stored in the Employee Information list.

Getting Here - Contacts Tab

Click the Contacts tab in the ShareVision Website Header. Click the Contact Manager breadcrumb to return to the Contacts tab home page.

Common Features

  1. ShareVision Website Header

Contacts Tab Features

 Find: People

Link on the Contacts Tab navigation bar that loads the Contact Manager All tab. The All tab shows all stored contacts with profiles. Visit the People list to see all contacts.

 Find: Organizations

Link on the Contacts Tab navigation bar that loads a view of all external organizations stored in ShareVision.

 Find: Staff

Link on the Contacts Tab navigation bar that loads a view of the Employee Information list.

 Search (Contacts tab link)

Link on the Contacts Tab navigation bar that loads a search box for finding people and organizations.

 Create: New Contact

Link on the Contacts Tab navigation bar that launches a help wizard to guide users through adding a new person to their site.

 Create: New Staff

Link on the Contacts Tab navigation bar that loads the Create a New User page.

 Create: New Organization

Link on the Contacts Tab navigation bar that launches a wizard, which leads users through the steps of adding a new organization to the list of contacts.

 Mailing Lists

Link on the Contacts Tab navigation bar that launches a mailing list export tool, which filters contacts by profile type (e.g., "get all Board Members") and exports retrieved addresses to a Microsoft Excel or Access spreadsheet. The Office files can remain linked to ShareVision and when saved can be uploaded back into ShareVision. All contact types except organizations and ShareVision users/staff are supported.

 Set Lists

Link on the Contacts Tab navigation bar that loads a Datasheet view of the Profiles list. Used to bulk-edit mail and email addresses and add contacts to various email list groups for bulk messaging. Once entered, the information can then be exported out of ShareVision into a Microsoft Excel or Access spreadsheet on your local computer. Exported lists retain ShareVision column filtering functionality, enabling selection and isolation of select profile types, like Board Members, for example. 

 General Email

A filtered view of the Profiles list showing only contacts selected to be on the General Email list. Enables bulk emailing directly from your ShareVision site.

 Mail Merge Library

Link on the Contacts Tab navigation bar that enables uploading exported documents back into ShareVision.

Sub-headers sit directly below the main ShareVision Website Header. They include a title, a unique logo, and breadcrumbs.

Contact Manager Content Area

The Contact Manager has two content areas:

Contact Manager - People

Contact Manager - Profiles      

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