Contact Management - Profiles v.3.5 & 3.7

Applies To Version(s): 3.5 & 3.7 - Contact your ShareVision Product Expert to upgrade.

About- Contact Manager - Profiles

Contact Manager - Profiles provides in-depth information about one contact. It shows the number and types of profiles assigned to a contact and how this person is related to other contacts through personal and professional relationships. This tool is used to review and map each contact’s interconnectivity or as a navigation tool to view all threads of a contact’s associations within your organization.

Getting Here- Contact Manager - Profiles

  1. Click on Contact Manager on the QuickStart Menu.
  2. Search for the contact you need more details about.  Click on Go.
  3. Click on the contact name when it appears on the list.

Contact Manager Tabs

Person Details Tab

 Profiles Web Part

This section displays existing profiles for a contact and provides a link to create new ones. Clicking the add profile link launches a wizard to take users through the steps of creating a new profile. A new profile can also be created from the Profiles list.

 Person Details Web Part

Displays a view of a person's contact details, organizations they are associated with, and information related to their profile type. Person details may be viewed and edited from here, using the toolbar, or from the Profiles list, where this information is stored. An Individual Details page is automatically created for all contacts with the profile type Individual. Click on an individual's name in the Person Details section to go there. This Web part is also in the Contact Manager - People content area.

 Relationships Tab

The Relationships tab displays a list of people a contact is connected to along with the corresponding relationship. Users may edit relationships or add new ones.

Add a New Profile Through the Contact Manager


Contacts can have multiple profiles. For example, a professional can also be a general contact.  Best practice for adding contacts and profiles is to start with a ‘search’ from the contact manager page. If the contact is found, a profile can be added.

How to add a profile

Starting at the Contact Manager, search for the person you want to add a profile to. Search results show found contacts. Click on the name to open the Person Details Page.

 Click here to show image

Existing profiles for a contact are displayed, along with a link to create new ones. Click “add profile” to launch a wizard.

 Click here to show image


Choose the type of profile you would like to create.

 Click here to show image


The record now contains 2 profiles.

 Click here to show image


Make Contact Active/Deactivate Contact

  1. Follow instructions for Edit a contact's profile.
  2. Check/uncheck the box for Active.
  3. Staff may edit an individual's status from the individual Details page. Click View/Edit Full Profile, under the individual Profile Web part. Check or uncheck the Active box. Click save.