Adding Individuals and Contacts

Adding Individuals and Contacts

Applies To Version(s): 4.0 - Contact your ShareVision Product Expert to upgrade.

About - Contact Manager

The Contact Manager provides a central location from which to search, add, and manage all your stored contacts and organizations.

Note: ShareVision uses the term "contact" to describe three different kinds of profiles (by default):

  • Individual - a contact supported by your organization
  • General Contact - an independent contact not associated with an organization
  • Professional - a business or medical contact

Contacts are entered and managed in the Contact Manager, as are Organizations your agency interact with.  In addition, you can use Contact Manager to enter new ShareVision Users into your site. 

A ShareVision Administrator does have the ability to add additional types of profiles as necessary


Getting Here - Contact Manager

Click the Contact Manager icon in the QuickStart menu.  Note that by default only Site Administrators have access to this feature.


Search ShareVision to find an Existing Contact

  1. Navigate to QuickStart icon Contacts
  2. On the 'Search Contacts' page enter a string of letters of either the person's first or last name and click the 'Search' button.
  3. A list of existing contacts will be displayed.
  4. If there are no results to display, then the system will advise such.

Add an Existing Individual as a participant of a Program and/or resident of a Residence

  1. Navigate to QuickStart icon Contacts
  2. Search for the Existing Individual as described above.
  3. The search results will display all Contacts with a match. Those People that are Individuals within ShareVision will have an 'Add to Program' button on the far right of the row their name is in.
  4. Click 'Add to Program'; you are taken to the Program History with the Full name of the Individual already populating the form.
    1. Program or Residence: select a location for this Individual.
    2. Referral Date: potential for statistical reporting
    3. Start Date: enter a date this Individual started at this program or residence.
  5. Click 'OK': you will be sent to the Contact (Individual) pages within the Contact Manager which will display which Program or Residence you have just made them a participant or resident.
  6. Navigating to the Program or Residence page will also display this Individual in the list of Participants or Residents.

Add a new Contact to ShareVision (Individual, Professional, General Contact)

  1. Navigate to QuickStart icon Contacts
  2. Search for the Existing Individual as described above.
  3. If Individual does not already exist in ShareVision, scroll to the bottom of the results box and click 'Add new'
  4. Select which persona or role the person has with your agency (Individual, General Contact, Professional).
  5. Complete the Name of the person (People list)
  6. Complete the Profile of the person (Profiles list)
  7. If creating a General Contact or Professional the process is complete. This person can now be linked to an Individual through the Relationships tab.
  8. If creating an Individual, complete or save the Demographic details of the person (Fact Sheet).
  9. Decide whether to add them to a program or residence.
  10. If adding them to a Program or residence, complete the Program History form.

Add a new Organization

  1. Navigate to QuickStart > Contact Manager > Organizations
  2. Search for a letter or string of letters to find whether the particular organization has already been entered into the system
  3. If no results found, click/tap 'Create a new Organization'
  4. Complete the new Organization form (at least the required fields) and click/tap OK.

Link a Contact with an organization

  1. Navigate to QuickStart > Contact Manager > Contacts
  2. Search for a letter or string of letters to find contact you are looking to link
  3. Select the contacts name in  the search results to open their Contact details form
  4. Edit and update the "Organization" field on the contact details form

Add a Relationship between an Individual and other Contacts

Add a Relationship via Contact Manager - Contact Details Page
  1. Navigate to QuickStart icon Contacts
  2. Search for the Existing Individual as described above.
  3. From within the search results click on the name of the Person you want to record a relationship for.
  4. On their Contact Details page click on their Relationships tab.
  5. Click 'Add a Relationship'
    1. If you selected a General Contact or Professional in step #3;
      1. Individual: select the Individual.
    2. If you selected an Individual in step #3:
      1. Contact: select the General Contact or Professional to link to the Individual.
    3. Relationship to Individual: check those that apply fo this person.
    4. Click Save. You will be returned to the Relationships tab of the Contact Details page.