Adding a Program or Residence Column to an Existing List

Please ensure you are going to the instructions for your specific site (V4 or V4L) as the interface is different, depending on the version of SharePoint of your site.


When adding a Program or Residence column to an existing list, we recommend that you add the column from Existing Site Columns as the site column has been set up as a lookup column.


Before working with Content Types on your ShareVision site, you will need to

Adding a Program or Residence Column on a V4 Site

You will need to go to the List Settings for the list that you want to add the Individual column to

  1. In Site Administration, select View All Lists and Libraries.

    Tip: Click on the image to view a larger version.


  2. Search for the list that you would like to add the Individual column to:


  3. Select List Settings for the list you are adding the Individual column to:

  4. Scroll down to the Columns section and select Add from existing site columns


  5. In Select site column from select ShareVision


  6. In Available site columns select Program or Residence

  7. Then select Add

    Note: For Program or Residence lookup columns, there are other options available including:
    - Program: This will allow the person filling in the form to select only one Program and no Residences will be listed.
    - Programs: This will allow the person filling in the form to one or more Programs and no Residences will be listed.
    - Residence: This will allow the person filling in the form to select only one Residence. There is no option for mulitple Residences to be selected because an Individual can only have one Residence assigned to them.

  8. The Program or Residence column will be displayed in Columns to add

  9. Select OK

  10. The Program or Residence Lookup column has been added to the list

Adding a Program or Residence Column on a V4L Site

You will need to go to the List Settings for the list that you want to add the Individual column tov

  1. In Site Administration, select View All Lists and Libraries.

    Tip: Click on the image to view a larger version.

  2. Search for the list that you would like to add the Individual column to:

  3. Select List Settings for the list you are adding the Individual column to:

  4. Scroll down to the Columns section and select Add from existing site columns

  5. In Select site column from select ShareVision

  6. In Available site columns select Program or Residence

  7. Then select Add

    Note: For Program or Residence lookup columns, there are other options available including:

    • Program: This will allow the person filling in the form to select only one Program and no Residences will be listed.

    • Programs: This will allow the person filling in the form to one or more Programs and no Residences will be listed.

    • Residence: This will allow the person filling in the form to select only one Residence. There is no option for mulitple Residences to be selected because an Individual can only have one Residence assigned to them.

  8. The Program or Residence column will be displayed in Columns to add

  9. Select OK

  10. The Program or Residence Lookup column has been added to the list