Individual Exiting a Program or Residence

Applies To Version(s): 4


This knowledge base article provides you with everything you need to know about how to exit an individual from a service (program or residence). 


  • Login with a ShareVision account that has permissions to access and edit Program History

How-to Edit Program History

Access Individual's program history

Click Path to Program History : Quick Start > Individuals* > Select an Individual > Program History*

*Some names and labels might be unique to your organization

Select the Service (Program or Residence) that the Individual is exiting from the Programs listed

Select Edit 

Enter the Exit Date 


select the Exit Reason  

Next, Save the changes.

The Individual will be automatically exited from the Service (Program or Residence) on the Exit Date that was selected. If an Exit Date in the future was selected, then the Individual will be listed as registered in the Service until that date. 

Changes that take place once an individual is removed from Programs and Residences

  • When the individual is existed from any Service, the individual will no longer be listed in the list of Individuals on the Program or Residence landing page 
    • Note: If a future Exit Date was entered, then the Individual will no longer be listed as of the Exit Date. 

Click Path: Quick Start > Programs or Residences Portal > Select the Program or Residence from the list > Review the list of Individuals on the Landing Page

  • If the individual has been removed from all Services (all Programs and Residences), the individual will be marked as inactive.
    • To view inactive individuals in the list of Individuals on the Individual Portal, you would need to select the Show All or the Show Inactive

Show All, Show Active or Show Inactive

If the options to Show All, Show Active or Show Inactive are not displayed above the list of Individuals, a ShareVision Administrator can enable these options. Please review the Individuals Portal Filtering Settings in the Feature Settings article

Click Path: Quick Start > Individuals Portal > Select an option from the filter in the upper right corner above the list of individuals

  • Participation History within Services (Programs and Residences) will 
    • Individuals will now appear under the Exited/Discharged section of the Participation History of a Residence or Program

Click Path: Quick Start Menu > Either the Residences or Programs Portal > Residence or Program in question > Participation History