Health and Safety Site
Applies To Version(s): 3, 3.5 & 3.7
About - Health and Safety Site
The Health and Safety site is a sub-site of the Home tab, containing both common features and Health and Safety features. Your sub-site may also contain custom Web parts, Quick Launch Navigation Bar links, and Links Bar links.
Getting Here - Health and Safety Site
Click on the Health and Safety link on the navigation bars of Home, Programs, Residences, Managers and Employee Services. The link will not be visible to users who do not have permissions to access this page.
Common Features
Health and Safety Features
Sub-headers identify a page as a sub-site. They includes a title, a unique logo, and breadcrumbs.
Sub-header Title
The sub-header title identifies which sub-site you're on.
Sub-header Logo
The sub-header logo helps differentiate the sub-site from a parent site, like the Home page. When you're on sub-sites such as Health and Safety, Employee Services, or Managers the Home tab remains highlighted as a reminder of the parent Home page.
Health and Safety Links
The Health and Safety Navigation Bar is made up of the Quick Launch Navigation Bar links and the Health and Safety links.
Health and Safety Issues Web part
This Web part provides a view of the Health and Safety Issues list.