Reports - Individual Details

Reports - Individual Details

Applies To Version(s): 3.7 Contact your ShareVision Product Expert to upgrade.

About - Reports - Individual Details

The Individual Details Report allows you to generate a report for a specific Individual within your organization and gives a "snapshot" into various aspects of that Individual's progress over a given time period.  This includes information on Goals, Incidents, Medications, and Activities.

Getting Here - Reports - Individual Details

Go to Home > Reports > Individual Details.


The Individual Details Report includes seven parameters that must be provided in order to generate the report.  Once you have populated each parameter, click Apply to run the report.

  • Report Title - this text will act as the title of the report.  Note that this field will pre-populate, but you can change its contents as necessary.
  • Select an Individual - choose which Individual to run the report on.
  • Start Date - the date that begins the range for which you'd like to find the demographic information.  Clicking on the calendar icon next to the text box will open a calendar you can use to select the date.
  • Note that the format is MM/DD/YY.
  • End Date - the date that ends the range for which you'd like to find the demographic information. Clicking on the calendar icon next to the text box will open a calendar you can use to select the date.
  • Note that the format is MM/DD/YY.
  • Show Section(s) - you can choose to include one or more of the following options: Goals, Incidents, Medications, and Activities.
  • Prepared By - select your user name.
  • Staff Title - your title.