Data Migration and Importing

Data Migration and Importing

Applies To Version(s): 3, 3.5 & 3.7

About - Data Migration and Importing

Your organization may have a legacy system that allows you to reorganise your data to be imported to ShareVision. Additionally, your data can be compiled from multiple sources and formats to be imported to ShareVision.  The process does require that you have access to Microsoft Excel.

Please read this entire document prior to carrying out any steps or instructions in isolation. It is also recommended that you familiarise yourself with the ShareVision Help site, especially the Administrators section.


First, make sure you download the template Excel workbook, which you can find on your ShareVision site by going to Site Actions>All Site Content>Import Templates (under the Document Library section)>Combined.xlsm

The template Excel workbook contains sheets and columns that will enable bulk import of your data into the ShareVision lists that already exist. The workbook contains cell referencing formulas and some visual basic code to help the process of collection and keep the integrity of the data.  Some of this has been protected; if you need to manipulate these protected areas the password is "sharevision" (without the quotation marks).

In the cases of client/supported persons and users names and related, static information, the sheets contained in the workbook have been set up for 1000 rows of data in each sheet. Where other data is presumed to be in greater quantity, the sheets have no maximum row count. If you need more than 1000 rows for a particular client/supported person and/or user sheet, please contact us. Columns and cells can be left blank if not needed.

When compiling and entering data into this workbook for import please ensure the following:

  • No hidden characters within data.

For example, copying data from Word can include formatting hidden characters that Excel interprets as data. To avoid this:

      • Paste data from word into a plain text editor (such as Microsoft Note Pad).
      • ‘Cut’ from plain text editor to then paste into Excel.

  • Naming Conventions (Individuals, Users, Programs and Residences, etc.):
    • Ensure there are no special characters in names. Names can contain letters, numbers, standard hyphen (-), period (.) and underscore (_).
    • Use words instead of symbols, eg, ‘and’ instead of ‘&’.
    • Ensure there are no space characters at the beginning and/or end of pasted text.

  • Spreadsheet Lookups match any relevant Lookup columns in ShareVision lists
    • The choices available are matched exactly for spelling and upper and lowercase characters.

Completing the Data Migration Worksheet

The steps below ensure data integrity. 

It is highly recommended you create a backup file regularly as a precaution when compiling the data.

In the case where you have chosen to request ShareVision to import the compiled data, adhering to these instructions will significantly reduce communication in clarifying issues and subsequent costs.  Alternatively, you can import the data yourself – instructions on how to do so are below.

  1. Navigate to the Import Templates library documents (or download these → Data Migration and Import Instructions v3.pdf      -    Data_Import_Wkbk_2.0.xlsx)
    • There are columns where you can add your standardized choices which will appear as a selection available on various related sheets. Add categories/choices that are appropriate to the data which you wish to import.
    • Some sheets using these lookup lists will, when a cell is clicked, give the option of selecting from a dropdown list. Multiple rows can be pasted in as long as the incoming data exactly matches any of these lookup items that are on the sheet you are working on.

  2. Complete the "User Accs" (usually Staff members and all people needing access in some way to ShareVision) spreadsheet.
    • When entering/pasting a display name, this column is used to populate names through related sheets.

  3. Complete the "Profiles (USER)" spreadsheet.  
    • Relevant information for your organization.
    • User photos can only be uploaded and associated to the appropriate account individually. This can be done after there is an account created in ShareVision.

  4. Complete the "People (IND)" sheet first with just the Last name and First name of all the clients/supported persons (Individuals) you intend to import data for. The names will now populate related sheets.
    • Note that ensuring your name data is in alphabetical ascending order will make any name selection easier in dropdowns within other related sheets.

  5. Complete the "People (OTHER)" spreadsheet. These people maybe professionals, staff, managers, supervisors, family caregivers. These names will now populate the Profiles (OTHER) sheet.       
    • Note that ensuring your name data is in alphabetical ascending order will make any name selection easier in dropdowns within other related sheets.

  6.  Complete the details for the "Profiles (IND)" spreadsheet.

  7. Complete the details for the "Profiles (OTHER)" spreadsheet. 

  8. Complete the "Fact Sheet" spreadsheet.  

    • This is static (and very infrequently changed) information collected about Individuals when they engage with your organization. May also include common data collected across more than one point (e.g. multiple programs).

  9. Complete the "Program History" spreadsheet. 

    • This shows the programs and residences your Individuals are presently within or have been within.

info@sharevision.ca, and a ShareVision representative will contact you to confirm details of the import.

If you would rather perform the import yourself, instructions to import the data are below. 

Please note that it is necessary to carry out these steps sequentially.

Importing your Data

After completing your data workbook, perform the following steps in order to successfully import your data:

Importing User Account Data

  1. Users cannot be created/imported in bulk by the site administrator - they can be created one by one – see Create a New User).   
    • When Adding New Users individually you will be presented with the User Account details page, the Profiles – User details page and finally the User Security Permissions page (in that order).
      1. Create a User account from the details you have gathered on the spreadsheet.
      2. Click "OK" when at the Profiles – User page without adding any data.
      3. On the following screen, complete the security permissions details page per your security model and the details you have compiled on the spreadsheet.

  2. The "Profiles – User" list can be populated with the data collected in the Profiles (USER) spreadsheet following similar steps as before. 
    • Navigate to the list; Site Actions>View All Site Content> Profiles – User list
    • Select a view of the list that:
      1. Displays all columns (with exclusion of the Created By and Modified By)
      2. Displays columns matching the order, left to right, of the spreadsheet columns you intend to paste your data from.
      3. If such a view is note available, you'll have to create a new view.
    • On the list menu bar click Actions>Edit in Datasheet. The list is now displayed as a spreadsheet. You can begin copying the workbook spreadsheet cells and pasting into the list. As there is already an entry for each user from when you created each account, you have two options:
      1. Find the user’s row already there and paste related data; or, for less time
      2. Paste all the spreadsheet rows into the list, creating two entries for each user’s name. Choose any column that has data from the rows you pasted in and no data for the rows created when the user account was created. Click on the column title dropdown and sort so that blank cells will be together. These rows can now be selected and deleted, leaving one row per user.

Importing Data Related to Individuals and Other Contacts in your Organization

  1. The "People" list in ShareVision can be populated with data from the People (IND) spreadsheet.
    • Navigate to the list; Site Actions>View All Site Content>People list
    • Select a view of the list that:
      1. Displays all columns (with exclusion of the Created By and Modified By)
      2. Displays columns matching the order, left to right, of the spreadsheet columns you intend to paste your data from.
    • On the list menu bar click Actions>Edit in Datasheet. The list is now displayed as a spreadsheet. You can begin copying the workbook spreadsheet cells and pasting into the list.

  2. The "People" list in ShareVision can be populated with data from the People (OTHER) spreadsheet.   
    • Use the same procedure as the People (IND) spreadsheet above.
    • IMPORTANT: The "Forms Dropdowns" column in the People list cannot have multiple choice data pasted into it as there is data validation set. This column functions for various filtering purposes around the site, most notably the Contact Manager. While some contacts may be recognized in more than one of these categories, additional choices will have to be made manually to each person as follows:
      1. In Datasheet mode, select appropriate cell. Dropdown arrow appears and on clicking you will find the check boxes where you can make additional choices.
  3. The "Profile" list in ShareVision can be populated with data from the Profiles (IND) and Profiles (OTHER) spreadsheets.   
    • Use the same procedure as outlined before regarding finding the appropriate list in ShareVision, selecting "Edit in Datasheet", copying from appropriate spreadsheet and pasting.
    • One Person can have multiple Profiles associated with their name – in this case, enter another row on the spreadsheet (or alternatively, directly in ShareVision) making the different "Content Type" column selection.

  4. The "Fact Sheet" list in ShareVision can be populated with data from the Fact Sheet spreadsheet.     
    • The list does not allow pasting of the Individuals’ full names. In the Fact Sheet spreadsheet you can select the correct Individual’s name in the "Preferred Names" column.
    • Paste these rows in the "Fact Sheet" ShareVision list.
    • Come out of Datasheet mode by selecting Actions>Show in Standard mode.
    • Make sure you are using a view that displays the Person column next to the "Preferred Names".
    • Edit each item to associate the data with the correct Individual by selecting the appropriate Individual in the "Person" field.
    • Edit the "Preferred Name" column as needed.      
  5. The "Program History" list in ShareVision can be populated with data from the Program History spreadsheet.   

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