List PagePart: Set Up and Configuration

List PagePart: Set Up and Configuration


This knowledge base article provides you with everything you need to know about List PageParts on your ShareVision site. A List PagePart is used to display list items and will provide users with access to adding new list items by filling in forms, viewing forms that have already been filled in, editing the forms and copying forms which allows users to copy an existing form instead of filling in a new blank form. 

The List PagePart is also used to make a List of Links available on your ShareVision site. 


Before setting up portals on your ShareVision site, you will need to

  • Login with ShareVision Administrator permissions 
  • In Site Administration, in View All Lists and Libraries, have a List that you would like to add to a Page.
  • In Configure Portal Settings, have added a PagePart to a Page on a Portal
  • Have completed the set up and configuration of the PagePart Name, Accessible on and Display Name (Review PageParts: Set Up and Configuration for more information.)
  • Have developed a plan for the information you will need to be made available to your ShareVision users (i.e. Consider what pages you will need for the portals on your site, what type of information will be included on each page and who should have access to each page) 

PagePart Type

Select List as the Type of PagePart. The List PageParts will have a list  symbol beside them in Portal Settings for easy recognition.

Data Source


Select one of the available lists in the List drop down to link this PagePart to the selected list.

Once a list is selected and the PagePart settings are Saved, a link to the List Settings for the list you selected will be displayed. This link allows you to get to the list settings for the list quickly.

When you select it, a new tab opens and the List Settings for the list will be displayed. 

Content Type

If there is a Content Type on the list, you can select which Content Type you would like linked to this PagePart. If there are no Content Types, the Content Type field will fill automatically and will be set to read only. 

When a list has one or more Content Types, a link to the Content Type settings for the Content Type selected will appear. Just like with the List Settings, if the link is selected the Content Type settings will open in a new tab. 

Current Staff Field

  1. The Current Staff Field will appear in the Data Source section if there is a Person or Group column (field) on the list. You can select the field on the form to autofill with the name of the logged in user who created the new form. If there are multiple Person or Group columns (fields) on the list, you can only select one field. 

  2. By checking the Lock value checkbox next to the Current Staff Field, when users add or edit a form, they will not be able to change the name in the Staff field.


To test a form where the Current Staff Field is locked, do not use an user account that has Site Administrator access. The Current Staff Field on the form will not be locked for user accounts that have Site Administrator access.

Listing Portal Form Filters (Listing Portals only)

If this PagePart is being added to a Page on an Listing Portal like Individuals, Programs or Residences, the Listing Portal Form Filters section will appear in the PagePart settings. To learn more about this section, select one of the links below:

For Standard Portals (non-Listing), this section will not be displayed.

The image below displays how when the Listing Portal Form Filters setup on the Programs Portal, only the Participation History for the selected program is displayed:

Additional Filters Fields

In the Additional Filters field, you can add extra filters that you would like used for your List PagePart. These additional filters ensure that only the information you want to be viewed is shown. You can use as many or a few as you'd like. When using a date field in Additional Field Filters the date format will match the format of the date field in List Settings.

For the List PagePart, you can use the Additional Filter Fields to filter the items listed in the PagePart on the Page. For example, if you have a list that requires the managers to review each item that is added to the list and fill in the date that they reviewed the incident, you can have a PagePart that only displays the items that have not been reviewed by applying a filter:


In the Fields section, select Edit Fields.

Here you will choose which fields from the list you wish to display on your List PagePart. Simply click and drag the fields you wish to use out of the Available Fields box and into PagePart Field

Additional Lookup Columns can also be displayed within the List PagePart. To be an available field in the PagePart they need to be entered in the List Settings

Once the additional lookup columns are added to the List Settings, they will appear under the available fields section as a column to be added to the PagePart

When selected, the Additional Lookup Column fields will appear on the PagePart

When you have selected all fields you wish to use, they will appear under the Fields section of the PagePart settings.  

The Fields section allows for certain customizations - Display Title box, Alternative Title, Totals Display, Text Align, and Field Width (%)

  • Display Title: When this box is left unchecked the Titles (alternative or default) will not be displayed in the list on the PagePart, only the data will be shown. If the box is checked the Title will be displayed as a column heading in the list. 

To show the difference we will have the Display Title box unchecked for the Certification Field but checked for the Employee and Date Acquired Fields

The PagePart will look something like this - the Employee and Date Acquired titles can be seen on the left hand side but the Certification title is hidden, only the data from the field is shown

  • Alternative Title: If you want the title that is displayed to be something other than the Field Title you can enter an Alternative Title in the box that will be shown in place of the Field name. 

If we keep the Certification and Date Acquired titles but change the Employee title to "Alternative Title Example" the back end would look like this:

The column heading on the list PagePart will display Alternative Title Example instead of Employee.

  • Totals Display: You have the option to choose Count. When Count is selected, a count of the items displayed in the list PagePart will appear at the top and the bottom of the column that you have selected to have the Count displayed for. . 

If we wanted a count of the Certification and Employee columns we would select Count in the Totals Display in the PagePart settings:

In the list PagePart, we will see the count of items displayed in the PagePart for the Certification and Employee fields but not for Date Acquired

  • Text AlignYou have the option to align the text to the left, centered or to the right in the list.
  • Limit Char: When the checkbox is available and selected, Limit Char reduces the amount of text shown on the grid. Limiting the text shown on the grid can make it easier to find entries without having to scroll past large amount of test. The option will only appear for multiple lines of test columns.    

                     As an example, looking at a Daily Journal where Limit Char is not used, the wall of text for the journal entry can be hard to read and pushes other entries down the page, making things harder to find.                                           

              In the PageParts settings for the Daily Journal, we can see the Limit Char box is an option

                  By selecting the Limit Char checkbox, entries on the Daily Journal grid will be limited to the first few lines of text displayed

                 Clicking the ellipsis(...) at the bottom will bring up the entire entry on a popup so it can be read without having to click into the form. 


  • Field Width (%): Determines how much room each field column takes up on the PagePart. The default is set to autofit, or to have each field take equal space. If you have a column with more information it may need more room, you can accommodate this in field width. Total width of all field columns combined must equal 100%. If the field width surpasses 100%, a system warning message will appear.

As an example, if the Certification field column needed 50% of the pagepart width, the other two fields (Employee and Date Acquired) would get 25% each. On the backend we would set it up like this: 

When the PagePart is viewed on the Page, the Certification column will take up half of the PagePart width and the additional fields will each take up 25% of the width:


Properties allows you to set how the PagePart is displayed on the Page. Along with the Item Per Page option of how many Announcements you wish to display per page, there is also a Group FieldSort Fields and Second Sort Field

Group Field

  • Group Field determines how announcements are grouped within the PagePart. An example with announcements is having them grouped by who created them. The announcements will be grouped by who created the announcement(s).
    • The Group Direction allows you to set if the Groups will be displayed or Ascending or Descending order.
    • The Group Field also allows you to display the grouping either Collapsed or Expanded. If collapsed, the user will need to expand each section to read the announcements in the section.

Sort Field  

  • Sort Field sets the sort order for the Announcements on the front end based on a column (field) in the list. A popular Sort Field is Created (date created) to sort Descending which will display newest Announcements at the top of the PagePart. Setting the Sort Field to Ascending will display the oldest Announcements at the top of the PagePart.  

Second Sort Field

  • Second Sort Field allows you to set a second sort order based on a column (field) in the Announcements lists. The sort order can be set to Ascending or Descending.


PagePart Buttons

There are four PagePart buttons:

Display "New" Button 

  1. The Display "New" Button, when set to "Always" will make it so there is a button for users to add an item to the list which involves completing a form and saving it. You can also allow on certain groups to Add new items to the list by adding the groups to the Allow for selected group(s) field below the Display "New" Button field. Note: If a group has it's access removed from the page part, the group will also be removed from having access to the button. A warning message will appear on the page to show this.

  2. When set to "Never", no one will be able to add a new item to the list from that PagePart.

  3. When set to "Only if No Items", the button will only appear when there are no list entries being displayed. You also have the option to position the button AboveBelow, or Above and Below the List PagePart. 

The name "Add New Item" is the default for this button but can be customized to whatever terminology works best for your site. To change the name of this button go to the PagePart settings. Under the PagePart Buttons section there is a box beside the Display "New" Button, enter your customized button name into the box and save.

The customized button name will now appear on the PagePart for users to select.

Display "Edit" Button

The Display "Edit" Button gives you the option to allow editing of the List items to users from the List PagePart.

In the picture below, you will see that to edit an item, you will need to select the Pencil button on the row of the item you would like to edit. If editing is enabled, users will be able to select the "Edit" button and edit the list entries. 

You have the following options for the Display Edit Button:

  • Do Not Allow Editing: No one can edit the items in the list
  • Edit From Grid: To edit an item, the Pencil icon in the grid must be selected. The Edit button on the display form will not be displayed.
  • Edit From Display Form: To edit an item, the user will need to view the form and then select the Edit button on the display form. The Pencil icon will not be displayed in the grid.
  • Edit From Both: Users can edit the form by selecting the Pencil on the grid or the Edit button on the display form.

You can limit permission to this feature by selecting which groups can edit the form in the Allow for Selected Groups box in the PagePart settings.

Disable "Display" Form

When selected, this button makes it so that users will not be able to view a form after they save it. Therefore, the List item will only be seen from the selected Page. Users will not be able to click into the List item to get to the "View Item" page where editing, copying, deleting, and printing takes place. You can limit permission to this feature by putting the permitted groups into the Allow for Selected Groups box in the PagePart settings. Note: If a group has it's access removed from the page part, the group will also be removed from having access to the button. A warning message will appear on the page to show this.

Display "Comment" Button

The Comment Button gives the option to allow users to comment on Announcements. The Display "Comment" options allow the ShareVision Administrator to select if and where the Comment button should be displayed. When enabled, users can leave a comment on each Announcement. The comments can be viewed by all users.  Also, when this feature is enabled, all users can view all comments that have been added to an Announcement by selecting the Comments Button which will be automatically added to the Announcements when the Display "Comment" checkbox is checked.

How It Works

Display "Read" Button

The Mark as Read Button allows users to select it to indicate that they have read an Announcement. The Display "Read" Button options allow the ShareVision Administrator to select if and where the Mark As Read Button appears at the bottom of each Announcement. All users can view who marked an Announcement as read by selecting the Read Button which will be automatically added to the Announcements when the Display "Read" Button checkbox is checked.

How It Works

Display "Copy" Button on Forms

When selected, a Copy button will appear when you click into an entry in the list PagePart. The Copy button will take all of the information of the current entry and duplicate it in a new form, this is helpful when you need to create a new entry similar to one already listed but only need to change one or two things. 

To learn more about Copying Forms: Forms - Copy Form and Copy Field Configuration

PagePart Permissions

PagePart Permissions is where you can choose which groups have access to this PagePart. To add a group, click on their name in the Do Not Have Access box so it is highlighted and then press the arrow button to move them to Have Access.

You can also remove permissions from the PagePart by selecting a group in the Have Access box and selecting the arrow to move the group to the Do Not Have Access Box

If you select the double arrows, it will move all groups in the box under where the double arrows were selected to the box next to it. This can be used to provide access to all groups listed or to remove access from all groups listed. 


The Export section allows you to enable the Export to Excel button on the list. This will allow users to export the list as it is displayed in the PagePart to Excel.

You can enable this feature and manage which users have access to the Export to Excel option by going to the Export section at the bottom of the PagePart settings. Click the Export to Excel checkbox and enter the permitted groups in the "Select which groups can export to Excel" box and press save. If no groups are entered in the "Select which groups can export to Excel" box then by default all groups with access to the PagePart will be able to. 

Column Formatting in Exported Excel File

Date and number columns exported to Excel from a List PagePart will have the same formatting in the Excel file. Currency columns will be formatted as text in Excel but can be changed to the currency format in the Excel file by the user. 

PagePart Visibility (Listing Portals only)

If this PagePart is being added to a Page on an Listing Portal like Individuals, Programs or Residences, the PagePart Visibility section will appear in the PagePart settings. To learn more about this section, select one of the links below:

For Standard Portals (non-Listing), this section will not be displayed.

Once you have set up a List PagePart to make a list of links available on your ShareVision site, the links can be added to the list and can be used to access information on your ShareVision site or on other websites. If you are unfamiliar with how to add a list of links, please review Add New List of Links.

  1. On your ShareVision site, navigate to a list pagepart set up for Links. 
  2. Select Add New Item 
  3. On the form that is displayed,
    1. Either enter or paste the URL for the website. Note: If you would like to set up a link to an email address, you can enter the following into the URL field:
      mailto:name@company.ca - Refer to Adding an Email Address to a Links List for more information.
    2. Next, enter a description for the URL. The description is the text that will be displayed and is used as the text for the hyperlink to the URL that was entered above.
    3. If you would like to add a notes about the link, enter them in the space provided. 
  4. Select Save to save the new link or Cancel to discard the new link.
  5. The form will close and if you saved the new link it will be displayed. 

Selecting a Link to a Page on your ShareVision site or to a Website

  1. To view a link, select it 
  2. The link will open in a new tab 

You can add a link to a Links list that is linked to an email addresses instead of a webpage. 

  1. On your ShareVision site, navigate to a list pagepart set up for Links. 
  2. Select Add New Item 
    1. In the URL field, enter mailto:emailaddress  Note: There is no space between mailto: and the email address
    2. Enter a description
    3. Add notes, if needed 
  3. Select Save to save the new link or Cancel to discard the new link.

Selecting a Link to an Email Address

  1. When a link to an email address is selected 
  2. The default email app will open, a new email message will be created and the email address from the link will be automatically added to the To: line of the email message 

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