Group Settings

Applies To Version(s): 3, 3.5 & 3.7

About - Group Settings

The settings page for groups is common to both the New Groups page and the Change Group Settings page. It sets the name of security groups their corresponding site-level permissions as well as the group's owner, who controls the management of the security group.

Getting Here - Group Settings

  1. Site Actions > Site Settings > People and Groups
  2. Select any group from the People and Groups Navigation Bar.
    • Create a new group: Click New > New Group.
    • Change group settings: Click Settings > Change Group Settings.


Manage a User Group's Settings and its Site-Level Permissions 

  1. Locate the group on the People and Groups Quick Launch and open it.
  2. On the People and Groups List Toolbar go to Settings > Group Settings.

View All Users Added to Your Site 

Click All People on the People and Groups Quick Launch.

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