How to Enable Compatibility Mode

How to Enable Compatibility Mode

If a ShareVision user is experiencing issues with ShareVision functionality, it could be because the computer is using Internet Explorer (IE) 10 or 11.   In that event, it's best to access ShareVision using Compatibility Mode.  In order to use Compatibility Mode:

  1.  Make sure IE 10 or 11 is being used.  In order to determine whether this is the case, check the version of IE.  If the computer is using version 10, go to step 2.  If it's using version 11, skip to step 3.
  2. If the computer is on IE 10, make sure that when you navigate to the page where the issue occurs that Compatibility View is enabled. Near the right side of the address bar, there is an icon of a broken page.  That icon should be blue. If it’s not, click on it to enable Compatibility View.          
  3. If that icon is missing, or you're on IE 11, you can check and enable this by going to Tools > Compatibility View. 

  4. If that check-mark does not appear, or if Compatibility View is not checked off, click on Compatibility View settings just below it.  This will open the Compatibility View Settings dialogue box.

  5. In the Add this website box, type "sharevision.ca" (without the quotes), click Add, and then click Close.  Compatibility Mode should now be enabled for your ShareVision site.

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