Add/Edit/Delete Goal Progress Through the ShareVision Mobile App

Applies To Version(s): 3, 3.5, 3.7

Add Goal Progress Through the ShareVision Mobile App

These instructions outline the process of adding a Goal Progress entry.

  1. Tap Add Goal Progress from the main menu or from a program, residence, or Individual page.

  2. If you started from an Individual page, the name of the Individual will populate the first field.  Otherwise, select the Individual you're creating the entry for.

  3. Fill in the other fields as necessary.  Note that all fields marked with a red asterisk are required.  The Add photo and Add video options will access mobile device's galleries or cameras.

  4. Tap Save when complete or Cancel to discard the entry.


Edit and Delete Goals Through the ShareVision Mobile App

These instructions outline the process for editing or deleting Daily Journal and Goal Progress entries.

  1. Go to the Individual for whom the entry was created.  This can be done either by finding the Individual through the My Individuals area, or navigating to the Program/Residence page and access the Individual from there.
  2. Tap the name of the Individual whose entry you'd like to change.

  3. Tap the type of form.

  4. Tap the entry you'll be modifying.

  5. Tap Delete or Edit as necessary.  For deleting, tap OK to continue.  For editing, tap Save to save your changes.